Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
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Платье: «Бриллианты на солнце»
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Summer, who doesn’t want to have such a luxurious knitted dress in their wardrobe! Modify it a little, choose a different color and you are the queen of summer!
Beautiful white and black crochet dress.
Beautiful white and black crochet dress using the fillet lace technique
Openwork tunic made from section-dyed yarn
The openwork tunic is crocheted from section-dyed yarn. Like lavender in the rays of the southern sun, the wonderful transitions of yarn colors in this model convey the colors of Provence.
White openwork tunic
White openwork tunic
Delicate pink dress with crochet motifs
Delicate light pink mini with Irish motifs. If you have long wanted to try “Ireland”, but were afraid that it was too difficult, then this option is just for you.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
Crochet cardigan with zigzag pattern
An elongated cardigan looks very expressive thanks to
black zigzag stripes connecting into large
rhombuses on a light background. Dense wool structure
makes this model very warm
Long lilac jacket
This stunning long jacket is not only eye-catching with its rich purple color, but also with its stunning lace design and wide garter stitch placket.
Blue cardigan with motifs
And again squares! This time in color and on a denim background. This jacket is sure to become a favorite in your spring wardrobe.
Jacket with frills
The jacket, completely knitted in a pattern with alternating single crochets and double crochets, is trimmed along the edges with a dense frill made on knitting needles.
Colored coat
During the cold season there are not enough bright colors. A bright coat with colored spots can lift your spirits and charge you with positivity!
Lightweight striped coat
Легкое пальто, связанное простыми столбиками, привлекает внимание асимметричной застежкой, расположенной сбоку, и широкими цветными полосами
Summer blouses, tops
Топ из мотивов.
Топ из мотивов.
Жилет из квадратных мотивов крючком.
Жилет из квадратных мотивов крючком.
Чёрно-белый пуловер с планками из «ракушек»
Чёрно-белый пуловер с планками из «ракушек»
Blouse with motif insert
An openwork blouse with dropped sleeves and a lace insert of hexagonal motifs is crocheted.
Emerald blouse with filigree motifs
Emerald blouse with filigree motifs
Snow-white openwork top
Snow-white openwork top
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Blue pullover
A beautiful blue crocheted pullover with a Pineapple pattern incorporates a combination of magnificent openwork and beautiful color. Knitting a pattern will not take much time, but at the same time you will look impressive and unique!
Pullover with openwork yoke
Пуловер цвета пыльной розы с ажурной кокеткой выглядит роскошно и изысканно. Мы уверены — вы давно мечтали о такой вещи!
Модный розовый пуловер
Эта модель хороша летом, когда вы устали от облегающих вещей, в которых то душно, то жарко. Такая вот легкая и тонкая «сеточка» может быть накинута на бельё, купальник, или маечку.
Black openwork jumper
A very attractive and intriguing model. It is not easy to knit, but the result of the work is worth it.
Pullover with diamond pattern
A pullover with sleeves looks stylish and noble. The artfully color-matched striped pattern of small diamonds is framed by a soft black yarn background. This combination produces a stunning visual effect.
Pullover with fan pattern
Delicate pink shades of two different types of yarn are combined in a decorative fan pattern. The pliable pile yarn for the sleeves emphasizes the softness of the knitted fabric.
Everything is quite simple and at the same time stylish
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Cream pullover with openwork yoke
The cream pullover will surround you with comfort thanks to the high cashmere content in the thread. This charming model is knitted in stockinette stitch, decorated with an openwork yoke and wide trims.
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Довольно простая в исполнении модель с красивым названием Гардения , но очень нежная и стильная.
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