Other techniques
Floral mohair blouse
A mohair blouse not only looks airy, like a cobweb, but is also made using unusual motifs with multi-colored flowers.
Pullover made from section-dyed yarn
Интересная модель обращает на себя внимание благодаря использованию нетрадиционной пряжи для ирландской техники — мохера секционного крашения,
Shetland mohair dress
Shetland knitting, Shetland patterns, Shetland - all these are the names of the recently popular knitting trend, which is based on the famous openwork Shetland patterns.
Mohair dress with Shetland pattern
Shetland knitting, Shetland patterns. Shetland - all these are the names of a recently popular knitting trend, which is based on the famous openwork Shetland patterns.
Lace jacket
A chic model for relaxation, for a business meeting in a restaurant and even for going to the theater.
This model of a lace jacket will fit very harmoniously into an office environment and will fit well into the wardrobe of a business woman.
Blouse "Malachite Flower"
A crocheted blouse with an Irish pattern always looks very impressive and elegant. Irish lace looks very elegant. By wearing such a blouse, you can be sure that you will always be the center of attention.
Mohair blouse “Exotic orchids”
Knitted flowers are always incredibly attractive to knitters.
Use the suggested elements to create a unique item.
Pullover "Maple leaves"
Crochet autumn maple leaves. You are probably already familiar with knitting patterns for maple leaves? And for me they are autumn. This real effect of fallen autumn leaves is created by the yarn used for knitting - section-dyed yarn.
Платье шетландскими узорами — «Атлантида»
Шетландский узор или шетландские мотивы — это поистине искусство, которое к большому счастью опять в моде.
Stylish crochet coat
The unique development impresses with the simplicity of the individual parts from which the model is assembled, the excellent selection of colors, the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the decor.
Openwork delicate crochet tunic
These days, knitted tunics are becoming increasingly popular. Tunics are slimming and at the same time look very impressive.
Пуловер «Кружевной листопад»
Пуловер «Кружевной листопад» в технике ирландского вязания.
Кардиган — Цветущие Сады
Декор кардигана — Цветущие Сады, созданный многоцветными круговыми мотивами, добавит в образ сочных красок и положительных эмоций.
Granny square knitted coat
Пальто украшает комбинация разных по величине «бабушкиных квадратов», цветных полос, асимметрия в расположении рисунка.
Кардиган — Японский сад
Кардиган — Ирландские розы в японском саду — выполнен в технике ирландского кружева.
Purple garter stitch coat
This coat stands out for its elegant simplicity. It is knitted with garter stitch, which is the starting point for learning knitting.
Шаль «Медальоны»
Шаль- пончо «Медальоны» — шикарный наряд для вечерних летних прогулок, а также межсезонье осень-весна!
Топ — Красные маки
Топ -Красные маки — связан крючком в технике ирландского кружева.