Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Костюм с «ананасами»
An elegant openwork cotton crocheted set is simply irreplaceable on a hot summer day.
Red crochet suit
Красный костюм — юбка и блузка — связаны крючком известным узором «ананас».Узор старинный, но популярный, не вышедший из моды и сегодня.
White fillet suit with roses
Gorgeous summer suit made using the technique
fillet knitting, decorated with motifs of large flowers
Black crochet dress
Elegant and simple black dress. Magical pattern on the skirt and stunning bottom frill!
Crochet suit
The elegant suit is crocheted with beautiful frills, clearly outlined lines, and yarn in sober tones.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
Cardigan Petite Fleur
Crochet summer cardigan with round yoke
Crochet summer jacket
What's summer without white?! – this color must be present in your wardrobe.
Elegant openwork cardigan
Наиболее выигрышно смотрятся ажурные кардиганы, ведь они подчеркивают элегантность «основного» наряда.
Cardigan “Popsicle Colors”
Cardigan “Popsicle Colors”
White openwork jacket with flowers
На ажурное полотно этого короткого жакета нашиты цветы, собранные из отдельных лепестков.
Openwork jacket with flowers
A variety of floral motifs adorn this delicate openwork jacket.
Summer blouses, tops
Чудесная блуза — туника в технике брюггского кружева
Figured elements of Bruges lace decorate a simple blouse and give it a finished look.
Beautiful top using fillet technique
Crocheted green cardigan with a floral pattern using the fillet technique.
Red and black pullover
Red and black pullover
Top "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
How unusual! Filigree stars form a precious lace. If desired, lengthen the top and turn it into a wonderful dress.
Summer striped pullover
Models with stripes on the sleeves are often presented in sporty or casual styles.
Pink fishnet top
Pink fishnet top
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Jumper "Ferenz Liszt"
Jumper "Ferenz Liszt"
Pullover with round motifs
Pullover with round motifs
Openwork blouse
A crocheted blouse combining several beautiful patterns will be an elegant addition to everyday items.
White blouse
White blouse with frill in the style of Vanessa Montoro
Pullover with cones
At first glance, this elegant sweater is knitted, but it is not. This wonderful pattern is crocheted. If this is your favorite type of needlework, then be sure to knit yourself this elegant pullover with cones.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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