House of Models - Loin Knitting
Summer top
Summer top with flowers using fillet knitting technique
Summer pink blouse
В этой летней кофточке конфетно — розового цвета удачно сочетаются мотивы и узор в технике филе.
Red blouse with fillet knitting
A red blouse with long sleeves and a luxurious bouquet on the shelf, made using the fillet knitting technique.
Beautiful summer dress
A light summer dress that combines delicate roses and many different openwork patterns. Detailed diagrams and descriptions will help you knit this delicate dress!
Short sleeve blouse
Blouse with short sleeves and a beautifully designed cutout at the back. Simple fillet knitting can look fresh and original.
Cap sleeve top with peplum
Топ цвета экрю впечатляет богатой коллекцией ажурных узоров и женственными деталями — рукавами- крылышками и широкой баской.
Summer suit in dusty rose color
This delicate summer suit consisting of a short top and skirt is knitted with an interesting geometric pattern.
Turquoise magic.
Delicate flowers and stylish geometry come together beautifully in this stunning fillet dress.
Tunic “Colorful Kaleidoscope”
Now we know what summer looks like! Just like this openwork tunic with colored elements of the most intricate shape and size. The ideal model for an unforgettable vacation!
Платье «Прованс»
Платье «Прованс» выполнено в филейной технике известным узором «паучки».
Loin dresses from Dana Romanova
You can have a lot of fun just looking at the works. Dana crochets items using the fillet lace technique.
Туника » Первоцвет»
Лучший вариант для жарких дней — легкая ажурная туника с цветочным узором.
Beach tunic
Невероятно нежная белая туника, которую можно носить как пляжное платье, так и удлиненный топ. Кружевное узор — главная изюминка.
Gray crochet dress
This interesting dress model is made of beautiful shimmering yarn using the fillet knitting technique, trimmed with beads knitted into the fabric along the bottom of the product.
Платье — Кокетка
Платье для летнего сезона подойдет любой кокетке. Акцент платья — ажур каймы, который венчает каждый ярус юбки.
Crochet Ruffle Wrap Dress
Delicate crocheted dress made using the fillet technique. The ruffles decorating the shelves add a touch of romance to the look.
Tunic “Inspiration”
The tunic is crocheted using the fillet technique, a translucent floral pattern adorns the front, and the flowing hem of the tunic makes it airy.
White fillet suit with roses
Gorgeous summer suit made using the technique
fillet knitting, decorated with motifs of large flowers
Blouse with roses
The blue blouse with roses is made using the fillet knitting technique.
Linen suit
The linen suit is made using the fillet knitting technique. The pullover and skirt are decorated with fillet roses.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with openwork pattern
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