Summer blouses, tops
Crochet models with a round yoke. Part 7
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Crochet models with a round yoke. Part 6
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Crochet models with a round yoke. Part 5
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Patterns with round yoke crochet. Part 4
Collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke
Patterns with round yoke crochet. Part 3
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Patterns with round yoke crochet. Part 2
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Crochet models with a round yoke. Part 1
A collection of women's models for the summer season with a round yoke.
Летний бирюзовый пуловер
Летний бирюзовый пуловер
Бежевый джемпер с «ананасовой» кокеткой
Бежевый джемпер с «ананасовой» кокеткой
Sirloin top
We suggest you try knitting a translucent fillet T-shirt with a simple but memorable pattern. We guarantee that in such attire you will definitely not go unnoticed!
Crochet top made of squares
The squares are crocheted with an offset center and connected into a single fabric, so that the top appears asymmetrical, but this is only an illusion that makes the model original.
Beige pullover with a mix of patterns
Magnificent patterns, tassels, fringe - a very feminine and delicate pullover made of pure cotton for a smart summer!
Elegant jacket with openwork trim
This openwork jacket is knitted in several alternating patterns, and the subtle blue color and viscose yarn make the patterns even more striking.
Crochet blouse using fillet knitting technique
Summer openwork blouse is crocheted with fillet patterns.
Топик «Паучки».
Модная новинка в вашем гардеробе — топ реглан из пряжи с эффектом градиента и интересным сочетанием ажурных узоров.
Top with pineapple pattern
Вязанный крючком летний ажурный топ с кокеткой.
Openwork top
Ажурный топ крючком нежно-голубого цвета
Безрукавка «Мухоморы»
Просто жилет — это скучно! Украсьте его цветными грибами — получите эксклюзивную и очень оригинальную вещь.
Short pullover
Короткий пуловер из трикотажа — хит сезона. Этот пуловер из хлопковой пряжи выполнен двумя узорами крючком, вязать которые одно удовольствие.
Связанный крючком топ с бисером
Чудесный топ, связанный крючком из смеси хлопка и вискозы. Зигзагообразный узор выполняется сверху вниз имитируя волны. Перед и спинка точечно соединены на плечах бусинами-жемчужинами, а по бокам оставлены длинные разрезы.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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