Summer blouses, tops
Summer openwork blouse
A beautiful, openwork blouse knitted from cotton yarn. Along the bottom of the product and the sleeves there are wide mesh strips tied with an openwork pattern.
White pullover “Ethno”
A lovely, openwork crochet sweater with different types of patterns
Beautiful top with slits on the sides.
This beautiful top with slits on the sides is crocheted with zagzag patterns, the front and back are connected at the shoulders with beads.
Pullover with yoke
Pullover with yoke
Tunic with multi-colored squares
The tunic with multi-colored squares is made using the fillet knitting technique.
Gray crochet top
Gray crochet top
Top with round yoke with pineapple pattern
Top with round yoke with pineapple pattern
Women's pullover and children's top.
Оригинальный узор из пышных листиков лег в основу женского пуловера в полоску и детской безрукавки. Особое изящество моделям придает цвет: пуловер выполнен в бирюзово-голубой гамме, безрукавка — в нежных меланжевых тонах.
Crochet top
Crochet top with openwork flower inserts
Blue pullover with border.
Blue pullover with fillet knitting border
Top "Violet"
Hexagonal elements with a floral center form the basis of an oversized yarn-blend top.
Top "Hypnosis"
Черно-белые элементы сложились в стильный топ свободного кроя. Эффектная деталь — изящная кайма с подвесками.
Blue top with a rounded hem.
In this simple-looking top, nothing distracts attention from the main thing - from the interesting asymmetrical front line, decorated with a small lace flounce.
Openwork top
Two models on the same theme are presented in two versions: a top T-shirt for young girls and a top with openwork wings for older ladies.
Openwork cotton top
And in the summer we have to work. Update your everyday wardrobe and you'll see that office style doesn't have to be boring.
Beach set
Crochet shorts and top, beach set
Mesh jumper
Snow-white mesh jumper.
Yellow top
Bright blouse in fillet technique
Top with floral openwork pattern
Top with a floral openwork pattern, crocheted from pale pink yarn.
Top with center border
A feminine lace top made from fine cotton yarn with a decorative border in the middle is very easy to knit.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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