Dresses, tunics, suits
Openwork jacket and shorts knitted
A summer jacket with short sleeves and a button fastening is knitted with airy openwork patterns and knitted shorts are made of melange yarn made of cotton and cashmere.
Openwork blouse knitted Framboise
The openwork top is made with knitting needles using the circular knitting technique from the middle
Openwork top with knitting needles
The interesting pattern of this top is complemented by a number of beads used in the neckline.
Вязаный топ «Эрика»
Eric's top from Drops is absolutely gorgeous. It is knitted from plain yarn, cotton and polyester, wears well, does not lose its appearance when washed and is very practical.
Top with openwork back
Knitted top with a lace back in shaped yarn made from recycled cotton. The pattern is simple, but looks very impressive.
Топ с цветочными мотивами — квадратами
Слагаемые успеха этой модели — пестрая кокетка в технике пэчворка с эффектом 3D, зубчатый основной узор и деликатный А-силуэт. Результат впечатляет, не правда ли?
Blouse with openwork yoke
Blouse with openwork yoke
Top “Soft Spring”
Top with a round yoke and a neat openwork pattern.
Summer blouse “Branchport Cottage”.
This knitted summer blouse amazes with its unusual openwork pattern on the round yoke.
Top with a large openwork pattern of “leaves”.
A striking foliage pattern draws attention to this top with ribbed all-knit straps. The model is made of summer apricot-colored cotton yarn
Летний пуловер «Sierra»
Летний пуловер «Sierra»
Openwork summer blouse with a round yoke.
A beautiful floral pattern and a feminine round yoke will make this jumper a desirable item in the wardrobe of any fashionista.
Yellow openwork V-neck top
This bright summer top with a deep V-neck is knitted with openwork motifs from yellow cotton yarn.
Openwork top in smoky blue color
A summer top with a pattern of large openwork leaves and paths is knitted with knitting needles from linen yarn in a smoky blue color.
Топ с «косами» и контрастными планками.
Top with double straps, patterned cable stripes and contrasting color panels.
Summer top with a pattern of ropes.
The summer top with a pattern of strands stands out for its simplicity and originality of details.
Striped pullover with openwork braids.
A relaxed pullover with a straight silhouette, with seamless knitted sleeves and wide ribbed trims, made with openwork “braids”, made of yarn with cotton, hemp fibers and viscose, thanks to which the pullover flows comfortably and freely along the body
Jumper knitted Sun Dream
Джемпер спицами можно связать из пряжи DROPS Safran. Джемпер вяжется сверху вниз с ажурными и рельефными узорами на кокетке. Размеры S — XXXL.
Top Violetta
Light shades of gray combined with fluffy yarn and a beautiful pattern will help create a delightful and original short-sleeved pullover model.
Beige summer top with openwork stripes.
This elegant cotton-spun top is eye-catching with drop stitch stripes and a sophisticated V-neck frame.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с двухцветной «косой»
У этого пуловера своя симметрия — нейтральный белый и освежающий мятный удивительным образом переплетаются в «косе» по центру переда и спинки. Остается решить, какая сторона вам больше нравится?
Ажурный салатовый джемпер
Свободный джемпер из хлопка с кашемиром создает ощущение воздушности благодаря сетчатым узорам, органично сочетающимся с участками глади и изящным узором из скрещенных петель.
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