Coats, cardigans, jackets
Long openwork jacket
In a long terracotta-colored cardigan, attention is drawn to the details: original sleeves, small pockets and flowers in a mesh pattern.
Elegant crochet cardigan
What an elegant cardigan, crocheted and decorated with stripes of square motifs!
And the color is very harmonious. And the simplicity of the silhouette goes with it.
Cardigan knitted and crocheted
Among the few purely traditional things, we also offer completely unusual creations that can make a deep impression on creative people. For example, a jacket with crocheted inserts made from granny squares, with openwork patterns and other effects
Crochet summer cardigan
Summer cardigan with crocheted lace pattern.
Bright pink jacket with openwork motifs
A feminine jacket in rich pink color is knitted from individual square motifs.
Wide knitted cuffs give the model a sporty touch.
White openwork crochet jacket
Жакет можно сочетать с самой разной одеждой. Попробуйте сами: то белый с черным, то белый с нежными пастельными или сочными насыщенными красками, с юбкой, брюками или платьем — и каждый раз вы будете выглядеть по-новому.
Openwork crochet cardigan
This beautiful cardigan combines several patterns; the collar is knitted according to the border knitting pattern.
Continuous knit cardigan
Jackets knitted from square openwork motifs are distinguished by sophistication, simplicity, and elegance. The basis is a straight style, which simplifies knitting
Long cardigan with openwork motifs
Long crochet cardigan made of openwork motifs
Blue jacket with openwork pattern
Crocheting a bright blue jacket like this will not be difficult. Large silver buttons attract the eye.
Fashionable sweater or jacket
Утончённый и романтичный стиль — порой именно этого так не хватает в зимней одежде. Обратите внимание на этот модную модель жакета оригинальной формы.
Jacket with flowers
Crochet jacket with flowers
Lace jacket
An elegant crocheted jacket for women remains a trendy piece of clothing. Ladies of all ages, of any build, wear such products, not only for warmth, but also for beauty.
Openwork crochet jacket with shawl collar
An openwork crochet jacket for women, made of wool yarn, will appeal to women and girls who prefer freedom and comfort in clothing. The jacket has short sleeves and a shawl collar.
Delightful patchwork jacket
A delightful crocheted jacket pattern. It looks like a light pink haze.
Openwork crochet coat.
Another model of an openwork coat. After all, crocheting such models turns out best, delicate and flying.
Red cardigan knitted and crocheted
The red cardigan is knitted using stockinette stitch and crocheted in a large fantasy pattern. The cardigan fastens with 3 buttons.
Melange jacket with an openwork pattern.
The highlight of this knitted heathered cardigan with metal clasps is the crochet pattern.
Jacket with dolman sleeves
As if the colors of the rainbow smoothly transform into each other, the patterns of exquisite yarn. Particularly expressive effects of the jacket are achieved thanks to different knitting directions. A subtle accent: the intertwined ends of the shawl collar.
Blue cardigan
This shawl-neck cardigan features an unusual pattern of squares and cones. The model goes equally well with trousers and feminine dresses.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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