Piggy Bank - Crochet
A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 2.
Interesting and beautiful options for knitted valentines. For those who are planning to make such knitted gifts for Valentine's Day, a selection of patterns will come in handy.
A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 1.
The approach of Valentine's Day awakens romantic notes in our souls, the desire to invent and make valentines.
Master class on knitting a voluminous heart
Using any knitting pattern, you can easily make a voluminous heart by connecting two identical parts, only they should not be too delicate.
New Year decoration
The Japanese magazine from the Asahi Original series offers decorations for the New Year holidays.
Funny snowmen))
A hand-knitted snowman in a fashionable hat and scarf!
Елочные игрушки «Гномики»
Елочные игрушки «Гномики» от Юлии Мусатовой
New Year's decor
New year, new year, soon, soon it will come! Are you preparing for the New Year? Everyone's favorite holiday, which all children look forward to!
Snowflake Doll Rebecca
Snowflake doll Rebecca. Idea for New Year's crafts and gifts.
Новогодние шары — как на ёлке хороши!
Balls with more beautiful colored decor due to the openwork strip running down the middle of the ball and connecting two knitted round motifs.
Crochet New Year's ball
If you are looking for an unusual Christmas tree decoration, then be sure to use the tips from our master class on how to crochet a New Year's ball.
Crochet Christmas decorations
What a miracle? The traditional New Year's beauty is decorated in a completely new way!
Read the Course carefully and, without wasting time, get to work. Don't be lazy and tie a couple more balls. Why not a gift for friends?
Crochet snowflakes. Part 11
Вязание снежинок — отличная возможность быстро получить готовые изделия и подарить их на Новый год. А кто-то вяжет на заказ, и сейчас наступила горячая пора. Но эти снежинки не растают, а будут хранить тепло ваших рук.
Crochet snowflakes. Part 10
Crochet snowflakes. Patterns for knitting beautiful and simple snowflakes. Part 10
New Year's inspiration: crochet snowflake patterns. Part 9
Crocheted snowflakes can immerse you in the atmosphere of celebration and magic and create a unique, fairy-tale design in your home.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 8.
The selection includes snowflakes of varying complexity of knitting. In addition to complex and intricate patterns, there are simple models that even beginning craftswomen can knit.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 7.
Crocheted snowflakes can immerse you in the atmosphere of celebration and magic and create a unique, fairy-tale design in your home.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 6.
What would New Year be without snowflakes? Every needlewoman will be able to find a variety of designs for these gentle, graceful, elegant beauties, with whom it is simply impossible not to fall in love at first sight.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 5.
Now is the time to think about decorations for the New Year and start knitting snowflakes.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 4.
A very simple, and at the same time quite multifunctional idea is to crochet small lace snowflakes.
Crocheted snowflakes. Part 3.
Winter themes in crocheting or knitting are perhaps the most relevant, and New Year's themes are one of the most beloved by all craftswomen - because they lift your spirits so much!
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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