Piggy Bank - Filet Knitting
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 11
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 11
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 10
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 10
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 9
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 9
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 8
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 8
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 7
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 7
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 6
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 6
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 5
A selection of patterns of floral motifs for knitting using the fillet lace technique. Part 5
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 4
A selection of patterns of floral motifs for knitting using the fillet lace technique. Part 4
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 3
A selection of patterns of floral motifs for knitting using the fillet lace technique. Part 3
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 2.
A selection of patterns of floral motifs for knitting using the fillet lace technique. Part 2.
Flowers on fillet lace. Part 1
A selection of patterns of floral motifs for knitting using the fillet lace technique. Part 1.
Филейное вязание — Ромбы
Подборка схем филейного вязания — Ромбы.
Филейное вязание — схемы №4
A selection of knitting patterns using the loin technique No. 4
Филейное вязание — схемы №3
A selection of loin knitting patterns No. 3
Филейное вязание — схемы № 2
A selection of fillet crochet patterns.
Филейное вязание — схемы №1
Selection of loin knitting patterns No. 1
Филейное вязание — Бабочки — схемы № 2
Подборка схем филейного вязания — Бабочки — № 2
Филейное вязание — Бабочки — схемы № 1
Подборка схем филейного вязания — Бабочки — № 1
Филейное вязание — Розы — схемы №3
Подборка схем для филейного вязания — Розы — схемы №3
Филейное вязание — Розы — схемы № 2
Подборка схем филейного вязания — розы — № 2
Филейное вязание — Розы — схемы №1
Подборка №1 схем филейного вязания — Розы-
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 6.
Openwork napkins will help you decorate your home tastefully with your own hands. Fillet crochet, the patterns of which are clear and easy to follow, will help beginning craftswomen fill their homes with beauty.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 5.
Fillet napkins are amazingly beautiful products; they cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 4.
A selection of fillet knitted napkins with patterns from Muestras y Motivos magazines.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 3.
Openwork napkins will help you decorate your home tastefully with your own hands. Fillet crochet, the patterns of which are clear and easy to follow, will help beginning craftswomen fill their homes with beauty.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 2.
Fillet napkins captivate with their patterns of light and shadow, consisting of empty and dense cells. The shape of the fillet napkin can be any - square, round, in the form of a long path, oval or curly.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 1.
Napkins knitted using the fillet knitting technique are so fabulously beautiful and will not leave anyone indifferent.
Филейное вязание — полосы из роз
Подборка схем филейного вязания — полосы из роз.
101 fillet knitting patterns. Part 2
101 fillet knitting patterns. Part 2
101 fillet knitting patterns. Part 1
101 fillet knitting patterns. Part 1
Филейное вязание — Маки
A selection of loin knitting patterns.
Geometric schemes. Part 3
A selection of geometric patterns for knitting using fillet lace crochet and jacquard knitting techniques. Part 3.
Geometric schemes. Part 2
A selection of geometric patterns for knitting using fillet lace crochet and jacquard knitting techniques. Part 2.
Geometric schemes. Part 1
A selection of geometric patterns for knitting using fillet lace crochet and jacquard knitting techniques. Part 1.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 14.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 14.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 13.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 13.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 12.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 12.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 11.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 11.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 10.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 10.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 9.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 9.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 8.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 8.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 7.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 7.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Loin knitting. Patterns No. 5
A selection of loin knitting patterns.
Abstract geometry
Подборка схем -Абстрактная геометрия — для вязания филейным кружевом и в технике жаккарда.
Ethnic jacquard patterns. Knitting Kokopelli
Kokopelli, one of the fertility deities, drives away Winter with his flute playing and calls on Spring. A selection of patterns for loin knitting.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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