A charming feminine dress crocheted in 4mm wool and cotton blend yarn. Knitting the pattern starts from the top edge in the round. A round yoke is knitted according to the patterns given in the description. Next, the main part and the sleeves are made separately in a circle. The dress has a knee length and a fitted silhouette.
S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL

Yarn DROPS COTTON MERINO (50% wool, 50% cotton, 50g/110 m) 13-15-16-18-20-21 skeins color 13, hook 4 mm
Knitting density
18th century s/n and 9 rows = 10x10 cm
Description of crochet dress with round yoke
Note: pattern diagrams A.1-A.5 show the beginning and end of the pattern. In rounds 7, 11 and 13 in patterns A.4 and A.2, do not knit instead of the 1st stitch. s/n 3 air.p. (i.e. do not knit patterns A.1 and A.5). In other circles, instead of the 1st tbsp. s/n in patterns A.2 and A.4 knit A.1 and A.5.

Inormation: at the beginning of the circle from st. knit s/n instead of 1st st. s/n 3 air p., and at the end of the circle make a connection. Art. to the 3rd air station At the beginning of the circle from st. b/n knit 1 chain stitch instead of 1st tbsp. b/n, and at the end of the circle make a connection. Art. in this air.p.
Additions (main detail): knit 2 tbsp. s/n before the marker in the next. loop, 1 tbsp. s/n, marker, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 tbsp. s/n in next loop.
Decreases (main detail): knit 2 tbsp. s/n with a common top, 1 tbsp. s/n, marker, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 tbsp. s/n with a common vertex.
Note: the dress is knitted in the round from top to bottom, the beginning of the circle will be in the center of the back.

Dial a chain of 108-108-117-117-124-124 air.p. and connect in a circle connection. Art. Knit 1 round: 3 chain stitches. (= 1 tbsp. s/n), 3-3-5-5-5-5 tbsp. s/n, *skip 1 air.p., 6 tbsp. s/n, repeat from * in a circle = 94-94-102-102-108-108 st. s/n. Next knit st. in circle s/n and at the same time evenly add 18-18-22-22-28-40 sts = 112-112-124-124-136-148 sts.
В след. кругу поставить 4 маркера: А.1, А.2 вязать на первых 18-18-24-24-24-30 п. (= 3-3-4-4-4-5 повторения схемы) — половина спинки, А.3, поставить маркер, А.2 на след. 12 п., поставить 2 маркер, А.3 на след. 4 п. (рукав), А.2 на след. 36-36-42-42-48-54 п. (перед), А.3 на след. 4 п., поставить 3 маркер, А.2 на след. 12 п., поставить 4 маркер, А.3 на след. 4 п. (рукав) и закончить по схеме Аю2 на след. 18-18-18-18-24-24 п. (половина спинки). Продолжить вязание узором так, как показано на схеме А.3.

At the same time, perform increases in the sleeve loops, i.e. between 1 and 2 markers and between 3 and 4 markers thus:
Round 8: Increase 0-6-6-6-6-6 sts evenly.
Round 10: Inc 0-0-6-0-6-6 sts evenly.
Round 14: Increase 0-0-0-0-0-6 sts evenly.
After vert. rapport according to schemes A.1-A.3 will be 240-252-276-264-288-312 st. s/n and yoke height is about 15 cm.
Work the first 0-0-2-2-4-4 rounds in seed A.2a on all stitches = 15-15-17-17-19-19 sts. Now work st. s/n: 33-33-39-39-39-45 sts and evenly add 0-2-2-2-2-2 sts (half back), knit A.4 on next. 54-60-66-60-66-72 sts (sleeve), 66-66-72-72-78-84 sts and evenly add 0-4-4-4-4-4 sts (front), knit A.4 on next. 54-60-66-60-66-72 sts (sleeve), 33-33-39-39-39-45 sts and evenly add 0-2-2-2-2-2 sts (half back) . Increase in this manner a total of 0-2-2-3-4-5 times in each round = 240-268-292-288-320-352 sts.
In circles 7, 10 and 12 of pattern A.4, knit in the interval between sts. s/n and pattern like this: knit to last. loops in front of the pattern, perform 2 chain stitches. and 1 tbsp. b/n in last Art. s/n, knit with pattern as before, 1 tbsp. b/n in the first st. s/n after the pattern and air.p. Continue in this way to a yoke height of 18-19-21-23-25-27 cm. Next, divide the yoke loops: knit 33-37-43-45-47-55 sts. s/n half of the back, dial 6-6-6-12-12-12 air.p. and skip the trace. 54-60-66-60-66-72 p. sleeves, knit 66-74-80-84-94-104 st. s/n front, dial 6-6-6-12-12-12 air.p. and skip the trace. 54-60-66-60-66-72 p. sleeves, knit 33-37-43-45-47-55 sts. s/n half of the back. Finish knitting the main part and sleeves separately.

Main part
= 144-160-172-192-212-232 ст. с/н. Поставить по маркеру в центре петель подрезов — боковые швы. Продолжить вязание по кругу ст. с/н, через 4 см от подрезов убавить по 1 п. с каждой стороны от маркеров (см. убавления), повторить круг убавлений через каждые 0-3½-6-3½-3½-0 см всего 1-3-2-3-3-1 р. = 140-148-164-180-200-228 п.
After 37-39-41-43-45-47 cm from the collar, add 1 stitch on each side of the markers (see additions). Repeat the circle of increases every 1.5 cm for a total of 16-17-16-15-19-18 r. = 204-216-228-240-276-300 p. After 47-48-48-48-48-48 cm from the sleeve undercuts, continue according to pattern A.4a on all loops. Diagram A.5 shows the beginning and end of the circle. After vert. cut the rapport and fasten the thread.
Knit in the round from top to bottom. Perform 1 tbsp. non-cash in the first air.p. undercut, knit A.4a 1-1-1-2-2-2 repeats in width, continue according to the pattern as before on the next. 54-60-66-60-66-72 p., i.e. knit A4a, A.5 shows the beginning and end of the circle = 60-66-72-72-78-84 sts. Knit according to pattern A.4a for a total of 10-11-12-12-13-14 repetitions in width. After 4 cm from the undercut, finish knitting in a circle in front of the circle with st. s/n. Next around the circle, evenly decrease 6 sts, now one less repetition in width. Repeat decreases in this way every 8-6-6-5-5-3 cm for a total of 2-3-3-3-3-4 r. = 48-48-54-54-60-60 sts = 8-8-9-9-10-10 reps wide according to pattern A.4a.
Knit a sleeve to a length of 22-22-20-18-17-15 cm from the hem, finish knitting in a circle before the circle with st. s/n. Next circle evenly add 24-24-30-30-36-36 sts = 72-72-84-84-96-96 sts = 12-12-14-14-16-16 reps according to the pattern. Continue knitting the sleeves to a length of 34-34-32-30-29-27 cm from the hem. Cut and fasten the thread.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Starting from the center of the back, knit: *1 tbsp. b/n in the first loop, chain 3, skip 1 cm, repeat from * in a circle, conn. Art. in the first loop of the circle. Cut and fasten the thread.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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