Нарядное платье из круглых мотивов и элементов ирландского кружева.
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Knitting ideas, Irish Lace, Dresses, tunics, suits

An elegant dress made of round motifs and elements of Irish lace.

вязаное платье крючком

Intricate interweaving patterns, repeating the shape of a circle, are reminiscent of frosty drawings. Remember how cold and wind draw unusual patterns on glass. Let's take lessons from nature to create unusual ornaments.

The author of the model is Elena Sitnikova

You will need: for round motifs, as well as for flowers, cords and leaves: 300g each of viscose in three colors (90g/350m), for mesh: 100g acrylic with metanit (50% metanit, 50% acrylic), hook N 0.85, button 1 pc. .


The model is made with crochet.

 The model is made of round hexagonal motifs connected to each other in the last row; triangular yokes on the back and front are made using the Irish lace technique using interlocking guipure.

 To begin, make an individual sewing pattern for parts made of thick fabric, baste, and fit to the figure. Adjust the pattern by making the necessary changes (Fig. 1).


 Knit round motifs according to pattern No. 1, connecting them together in the last row.

схема вязания крючком

Connect small motifs according to scheme No. 2 with large motifs, focusing on the photo of the model.

вязаное платье крючком
ирландское кружево

 Along the bottom of the dress, lay out the halves of flowers knitted according to pattern No. 3, thus decorating the edge of the dress.

схема вязания крючком

 When the dress is ready, proceed to the triangular inserts on the back and neckline, which are made using the Irish lace technique using interlocking guipure.

Think over the plot and make a sketch of the future composition on the pattern.

вязаное платье крючком

 Using patterns No. 3 and 4, tie flowers and leaves, and also tie cords, spikelets and berries.

ирландское кружево

 Come up with your own version of the interpretation of the flower, curls.

 Внимание! Схемы — не канон, они лишь показывают принцип вязания. Готовые мотивы отпарьте, высушите и раскладывайте на выкройке, составляя желаемую композицию.

 Fix the most appropriate position with pins, while turning the motifs face down, because Assembly of the canvas must be done inside out!

 Sew the places where the motifs touch each other using the main thread.

 Fill empty spaces with circles of different sizes, various grids with and without volumetric inclusions, fastening individual elements of the pattern. Remove the finished piece from the pattern.

Sew on a button.

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