Подборка схем вязания красивых сердечек крючком. Часть 1.
Crochet, Description and diagrams

A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 1.

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Today it is fashionable to make gifts with your own hands, just have the desire - and everything will work out.

The lack of materials and skills will not stop you: all this is needed in the very minimum quantity.

The approach of Valentine's Day awakens romantic notes in our souls, the desire to invent and make valentines. 

Patterns and descriptions of crocheting simple hearts

Let's try to analyze two simple patterns of flat hearts and make a description for beginners.

If you already know how to crochet stitches and a circle, you can easily handle a heart. You can use thick threads, which will greatly facilitate and speed up the process, and the item will not be too small.

Scheme 1

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Look at the first diagram - there are only 5 rows.

We dialed 4 air ones and connected the ring. If the knitting is tight, you can cast on more loops, but it is better to start knitting with a sliding loop.

1st row: 2VP and 11 double crochet stitches (C1H) in a ring, we complete the row with a connecting stitch in the second initial chain stitch.

2nd row: 2VP and 2C1H in each column of the previous row (22 columns at the output).

3rd row: 2VP, then in every second we make increases, i.e. knit 2C1H in one loop, 1C1H in the next. We repeat 11 times and in the 12th column we knit 3C1H.

Next, we continue in the reverse order: 1С1Н, 2С1Н (you should get 35 columns).

4th row: we pull the connecting thread to the second loop, 1СБН, 1 half double crochet (HDC) in the second loop, 1С1Н in the same 2nd loop, 2С1Н in the next 5 loops, 2С1Н, 2ПСН, 4СБН, 1ПСН, 1С1Н.

We reached the middle, at this point we knit 3C1H in one loop.

Let's go ahead and knit everything in a mirror image.

We finish with a single crochet and join with the beginning of the row.

5th row: again we pull the thread to the second loop, 1СБН, 1ПСН, into the next (3rd in a row) loop 1ПСН and 1С1Н, 2С1Н each in the next 6 loops, 3С1Н, 2ПН, 9СБН to the lower middle point, 1СБН in the central loop and then in reverse order.

At the end of the row you will get a sc in the penultimate stitch, now we stretch the connecting stitch through the next one and to the beginning of the row.

Scheme 2

вязаные сердечки

Let's knit another heart.

In the sliding loop, cast 3VP, 2C1H, (2VP, 3C1H) 3 times, to connect to the beginning, tie C1H into the 3rd loop.

2nd row: (3VP, 2S1N, 1VP, 3S1N) - in the first corner, 1VP, (3S1H, 1VP, 3S1N) in each of the next three corners of the square, 1VP at the end and connecting to the beginning of the row (in the 3rd chain).

3rd row: 1VP for lifting, sc in each loop, in the corner - 2sc, tie the next side like this, in the 2nd corner - 1sc, 12s2n under the chain loop of the third side of the square, connecting in the third corner, 12 sc in the chain on the fourth side, 1 sc in the 4th corner, add sc on the first side.

Knitted heart patterns

Scheme 3

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Scheme 4

вязаные сердечки

Scheme 5

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Scheme 6

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Scheme 7

вязаные сердечки

Схема 8 — 9

вязаные сердечки

Схема 10 — 11

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Scheme 12

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Scheme 13

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Scheme 14

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вязаные сердечки

Scheme 15

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Scheme 16

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Scheme 17

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Scheme 18

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Scheme 19

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Scheme 20

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Схема 21 — 22

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Scheme 23

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Scheme 24

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вязаные сердечки

Scheme 25

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Scheme 26

вязаные сердечки

Scheme 27

вязаные сердечки

Схема 28 — 29

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Scheme 30

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вязаные сердечки

Scheme 31

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Scheme 32

вязаные сердечки

Scheme 33

вязаные сердечки

Схема 34 — 35

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Scheme 36

вязаные сердечки

Scheme 37

вязаные сердечки
вязаные сердечки

Scheme 38

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вязаные сердечки

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