Пуловер «Зимние узоры»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover “Winter patterns”

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Pullover “Winter patterns”

 Model Elena Filipenko

Size: XS-M (oversize)


To you required: пряжа A-elita (50% шерсть, 50% акрил, 781 м/100 г) — 300 г серого цвета, 200 г белого и 100 г черного цвета, крючок №5.

Knit in 2 threads.

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the part consists of three elements.

 Start working with the insert (element A in the figure).

Dial 121 air. n. with black yarn and knit according to pattern 1.

схема вязания крючком

 Then, from the cast-on edge, knit the same pattern according to pattern 1, but in the opposite direction.

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Next, knit element B.

 Using gray yarn, cast on 15 counts. p. and knit individual triangular motifs (diagram 1, rows 7-13).

 Sew them to element A, placing them in accordance with the diagram.

Next, knit according to pattern 2.

схема вязания крючком

Repeat rows 1-8 2 times. (Rows of white are shown in gray. The white thread runs inside the gray single crochets.)

Complete element B by knitting 6 rows with gray yarn. with a double crochet, making decreases for the neckline in accordance with the pattern.

Knit element C by analogy with element B.

 First make triangular motifs, then knit rows 1-8 according to pattern 2, then repeat rows 1-4.

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 knit symmetrically to the front, but with a shallower neckline.

Sew shoulder and side seams, leaving holes for armholes.


 start knitting from element 2. Cast on 65 air. p. with black yarn, knit rows 1-6 according to pattern 1, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

 Knit element 1 according to pattern 2, first rows 1-8, then repeat rows 1-4.

Item 3: Work 12 rows in st. s/n with gray yarn, increase every fourth row on both sides.

 We connect all 3 elements together.

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Assembly and finishing:

Sew the sleeves to the product.

Горловину обвяжите 3 рядами ст. б/н, рукава — 1 рядом ст. б/н [каждую 6-ю петлю убавляйте), низ изделия — 5-ю рядами ст. б/н (в 1-м и 2-м ряду выполните убавки через каждые 10 петель).

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