Пуловер с застежкой поло узорами из «Кос»
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Male Models

Pullover with polo clasp with braid patterns

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Men's pullover with polo closure and Braid patterns look especially expressive thanks to the Stylecraft blend yarn with a stand effect.

Dimensions: S: M:L:XL:XXL

Bust: 92-97:102-107:112-117:122-127:132-137 cm.

Width of the back and front of the product: 104:114:124:132:143 cm.

Length of the product: 66:66:67:67:68 cm.

Sleeve length at inseam: 47:47:47:47:47 cm.


You will need: Stylecraft yarn “Alpaca Tweed DK” (20% alpaca wool. 77% acrylic. 3% viscose; 240 m/100 g) 7:8:8:9 skeins of 100 g. Knitting needles No. 3,25 and 4; auxiliary knitting needles; contrast thread; 4 buttons with a diameter of 25 mm.

Special conventions

Add 1 purl. Knit 1 purl from the cross thread. before the next loop.

Cross 2 p. Slip off the next stitch, k1, pull the knitted loop through the removed one and knit it with a knit stitch.

Cross 3 sts to the left. Leave 2 p. for auxiliary purposes. knitting needle before work, purl 1, then loops with aux. knit the knitting needles.

Cross 3 sts to the right. Leave 1 p. for auxiliary. knitting needle at work, k2, then a loop with an auxiliary. knit the needles purlwise.

Patterns for knitting a men's pullover

Facial surface. Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Pattern A (the number of loops is a multiple of 14).

1st r. (= front row): 1 purl, 3 sts cross to the left, 6 purl, 3 sts cross to the right, 1 purl.

Row 2: k2, p2, k6, p2, k2.

3rd r.: 2 p., 3 p. cross to the left, 4 p., 3 p. cross to the right, 2 p.

Row 4: k3, p2, k4, p2, k3.

5th row: 3 p., 3 p. cross to the left, 2 p., 3 p. cross to the right, 3 p.

Row 6: k4, p2, k2, p2, k4.

7th row: 4 p., 3 p. cross to the left, 3 p. cross to the right, 4 p.

Row 8: knit 5, purl 4, knit 5.

Pattern B (the number of loops is a multiple of 14).

1st r. (= knit row): 4 p., 3 p. cross to the right, 3 p. cross to the left, 4 p.

Row 2: k4, p2, k2, p2, k4.

3rd r.: 3 p., 3 p. cross to the right, 2 p., 3 p. cross to the left, 3 p.

Row 4: k3, p2, k4, p2, k3.

5th row: 2 p., 3 p. cross to the right, 4 p., 3 p. cross to the left, 2 p.

Row 6: k2, p2, k6, p2, k2.

7th row: 1 p., Zp. cross to the right, purl 6, 3 stitches cross to the left, purl 1.

Row 8: k1, p2, k8, p2, k1.

Knitting density: 26 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the basic pattern on Na 4 needles.

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Description of knitting a men's pullover

Back. On needles Na 3.25, cast on 107 (119:131:143: 157) sts and knit for the bottom strap with an elastic band:

1st r. (= knit row): k2, (alternating purl 1, knit 1) to the last stitch, k1.

2nd row: k1, (alternately p1, k1) until the end of the row.

Repeat these 2 rows until the height of the piece is 8 cm (last row = 1st row). Next row: P4 (3:2:8:8), 14 x [inc 1 p, 3 (4:5:5:5) p, inc 1 p, 4 (4:4:4: 5) purl], add 1 purl, purl to end of row = 136 (148:160:172:186) sts.

Switch to needles number 4.

1st r. (= front row): purl 2, cross 2 sts, 0 (1:2:3:1) x (alternate purl 4, cross 2 sts), 3 (3:3:3:4) x (perform 14 sts of the 1st row of pattern A, cross 2 sts, purl 1, cross 2 sts, perform 14 sts of the 1st row of pattern B, cross 2 sts. Purl 1, cross 2 sts ), perform 14 steps of the 1st row. pattern A, 0 (1:2:3:1) x (alternately cross 2 sts, purl 4), cross 2 sts, purl 2.

Row 2: k2, p2, 0 (1:2:3:1) x (alternate k4, p2), 3 (3:3:3:4) x (do 14 st. 2nd row of pattern A, purl 5, perform 14 sts. 2nd row of pattern B, purl 5), perform 14 sts. 2nd row. pattern A. O (1:2:3:1) x (alternately 2 purl, 4 knit), 2 purl, 2 knit.

3-8th row: repeat 1st and 2nd row. 3 times, while doing the 3-8th row. patterns A and B. These 9 r. make up the main pattern.** Continue knitting with the main pattern until the height of the piece is 66 (66:67:67:68) cm from the cast-on row (last row=knit row).

Shoulder slopes.

Close off 9 (10:11:12:13) stitches at the beginning of the next 8 rows, then 11 (12:12:13:15) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Set aside the remaining 42 (44:48:50:52) stitches.

Before. Knit like a back, up to **.

Continue knitting with the main pattern until the height of the piece is 46 cm from the cast-on row (last row = knit row).

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Neck closure.

Next row (= purl row): knit according to. pattern 64 (70:76:82:89) p., bind off the next 8 p. (= middle loops), knit according to. pattern to the end of the row.

Knit 14 cm of loops on this group and finish from the inner edge.


Cast off 12 (13:15:16:17) sts at the beginning of the next row.

Then in each row, decrease 5 x 1 st from the inner edge = 47 (52:56:61:67) st. Then knit without decreasing until the height of the front is equal to the height of the back to the beginning of the shoulder bevels, while finishing from the outer edge .

Shoulder bevel.

Cast off 9 (10:11:12:13) stitches at the beginning of the next row and then 3 times in each next 2nd row.

Knit directly 1 p.

Cast off the remaining 11 (12:12:13:15) sts. Include the remaining 64 (70:76:82: 89) sts and, starting from the front row, knit the second side in a mirror image.

Sleeves. Using knitting needles No. 3.25, cast on 45 (47:49:51:53) sts for each sleeve.

Knit for the strap, as on the back, 7 cm with an elastic band (last row = 1st row).

Next row: 7 (8:9:10:11) purl, 6 x (alternately add 1 purl, 5 purl), add 1 purl, purl to end of row = 52 (54:56:58:60 ) P.

Switch to size 4 needles.

1st r. (= knit row): 9 (10:11:12:13) knit, 5 p., cross 2 sts, purl 1, cross 2 sts, perform 14 sts of the 1st row. pattern A, cross 2 sts, purl 1, cross 2 sts. P5, k9 (10:11:12:13).

2nd r.: 9 (10:11:12:13) p., 5 knit., 5 p., perform 14 sts. 2nd r. pattern A, purl 5, knit 5, purl 9(10:11:12:13).

3-8th row: repeat 1st and 2nd row. 3 times, while doing the 3-8th row. patterns A and B. These 9 r. make up the main pattern. Continue knitting with the main pattern, while adding 1 x 1 stitches on both sides for bevels in the next row, then adding 1 stitch in each next 6 (6:6:4:4th) rows until the height of the piece reaches will be 82 (88:92: 98:104) sts, knit the added loops in stockinette stitch.

Next, knit without increasing until the sleeve height is 47 cm (last row = knit row).

Close off the stitches with knit stitches.

Assembly. Sew shoulder seams.

Neck trim.

Using knitting needles No. 3.25 on the right side of the work, cast on and knit 12 (13:15:16:17) stitches from the closed loops of the right edge of the front neckline, cast on and knit 22 (22:25:25:26) on the right edge of the neckline, transfer and knit the postponed 42 (44:48:50:52) sts, cast on and knit 21 (21:24:24:25) along the left edge of the neckline, cast on and knit 12 (13:15: 16:17) p. from closed loops of the left edge of the front neck = 109 (113:127:131:137) p.

Knit with an elastic band:

1st r.: 2 p., (alternately 1 knit., 1 p.) to the last loop, 1 p.

2nd row: k2, (alternately p1, k1) until the last loop, k1.

Repeat these 2 r. 13 more times.

Close the loops according to the drawing. Attach a marker on both sides of the elastic between the 14th and 15th r.

Fastening placket with button holes

Using knitting needles No. 3.25 on the right side of the work, cast on and knit 14 knits. from the mark to the beginning of the binding, evenly cast on and knit 39 stitches. along the edge of the opening for the fastener = 53 p.

1st row: k1, (alternately p1, k1) until the end of the row.

2nd row: k2, (alternately p1, k1) until the last loop, k1.

These 2 r. make up a rubber band pattern.

3rd and 4th rows: knit as 1st and 2nd rows.

5th row: 8 sts with elastic band. 3 x (alternately close 3 sts, 9 sts with an elastic band - including the loop on the right needle after closing), bind off 3 sts, knit with an elastic band until the end of the row.

6th row: knit as 1st row, while casting on 3 sts above the closed loops.

Knit 4 p. with an elastic band.

Close the loops according to the drawing.

Button fastening placket.

Work in the same way as the fastener bar with holes for buttons, but without holes.

Assembly. Sew in the sleeves. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Unscrew the top 14 p. tape on the wrong side and secure.

Place the clasp with button holes on top of the clasp with buttons and carefully sew them along the bottom edge to the closed edge of the middle front.

Sew buttons.

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