Элегантный топ спицами
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Summer blouses, tops

Elegant knitted top

вязаный топ

Elegant knitted top

Dimensions 1) 34/36 — 2) 38/40 — 3) 42/44 — 4) 46/48 — 5) 50/52


You will need пряжа (100% полиэстер, 50 г / 96 м) цвет CHANVRE 1) 4 — 2) 5 -) 5 — 4) 6 — 5) 7 мотков; cпицы № 3 и № 3,5; маркировочные кольца, спица-булавка.


Elastic band 1/1

Knit alternately 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch.

Fantasy pattern purl/knit stitch), see diagram.

схема вязания спицами


25 п. х 31 р. = 10 х 10 см. — связано фантазийным узором на спицах № 3,5


The model is knitted in one piece.

Dial 1) 2)3)4)5) 28 sts on knitting needles No. 3.5, knit according to the diagram.

Add on both sides in every 2nd row:

1) 2x4 p., 2x3 p., 6x2 p., * 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. *, repeat from *to* 5 times, 9x1 p.;

2) 1x5 p., 1x4 p., 2x3 p., 6x2 p., * 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. *, repeat from *to* 8 times;

3) 2x5 p., 2x4 p., 5x3 p., 2x2 p., * 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. *, repeat from *to* 8 times;

4) 2x5 p., 4x4 p., 6x3 p., 4x2 p., * 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. *, repeat from *to* 7 times;

5) 1x9 p., 1x6 p., 1x5 p., 5x3 p., 24x2 p., 6x3 p.

Remains: 1) 148 п. — 2) 162 п. — 3)182 п. — 4) 202 п. — 5) 230 p.

At total height 1) 22.5 cm (RUB 70),

2) 22.5 cm (RUB 70),

3) 23.5 cm (72 r.),

4) 24.5 cm (RUB 76),

5) 25.5 cm (RUR 78) close on both sides

1) 2) 3) 4) 1x1 p. –

5) 1x2 p., then in every 2nd p. :

1) 12x3 p., 7x2 p. and 1x1 p.;

2) 14x3 p. and 8x2 p.;

3) 2x4 p., 16x3 p. and 6x2 p.;

4) 6x4 p., 16x3 p. and 3x2 p.;

5) 15x4 p., 8x3 p., 3x2 p. and 1x1 p.

Simultaneously at a common height 1) 30 cm (92 rub.), 2) 31 cm (96 RUR), 3) 33 cm (102 r.), 4) 35 cm (RUR 108), 5) 37 cm (114 rubles) form a neckline by closing the central 12 stitches, then finish each side separately, closing the neckline in every 2nd row. 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p. and 6x1 p.

At total height 1) 36.5 cm (RUR 112), 2) 37.5 cm (RUR 116), 3) 39.5 cm (122 rub.), 4) 41.5 cm (RUR 128), 5) 43.5 cm (134 rubles) bind off the remaining 3 sts.

Knit the other side in the same way.


Dial 1) 163 п. — 2) 179 p.- 3) 203 p.- 4) 227 п. — 5) 259 sts on knitting needles No. 3 and knit with 1/1 rib, starting and ending with the 1st and all odd rows (right side of work) with 2 knit sts. for 2.5 cm (10 r.), then knit 1 row on the front side, then knit several rows with yarn of a different color.

These rows of stockinette stitches will need to be unraveled during assembly to reveal the base color.


Dial 1) 171 п. — 2) 179 p.- 3) 191 p.- 4) 203 п. — <>5)<> 219 stitches on knitting needles No. 3 and knit with 1/1 rib, starting and ending with the 1st and all odd rows (right side of work) with 2 knit stitches. for 2.5 cm (10 r.), then close the first 107 sts (for tying), knit 1 row on the front side on the remaining 1) 64 п. — 2) 72 p.- <>3) 84 p.- 4) 96 п. — 5) 112 sts, then knit several rows with yarn of a different color.

These rows of stockinette stitches will need to be unraveled during assembly to reveal the base color. Cast off the remaining loops.

Tie the second bar symmetrically.


Cast on 180 sts on needles No. 3 and knit with 1/1 rib for 12 cm (34 r.), then bind off the first 60 sts, knit 1 r. on the front side on the central 60 stitches and bind off the remaining 60 stitches, then knit several rows with yarn of a different color.

These rows of stockinette stitches will need to be unraveled during assembly to reveal the base color.


Sew the bottom bar loop into loop using a line stitch on the front side of the work.

Sew the armhole strips into the loop using a line stitch on the front side of the work.

Sew the central loops of the neck strap loop into loop using a lower stitch on the front side of the work.

Sew the collar by folding it in half lengthwise (the seam is on the inside), making a stitch to secure the collar.

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