Платье «Барселона»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Dresses, tunics, suits

Barcelona dress

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Barcelona dress

Model Anna Salmina

Size: XS

Finished product dimensions:

длина — 82 см,

 ширина по низу — 96 см,

обхват груди — 82 см,

обхват бедер — 87-89 см.


You will need: пряжа Bella (100% хлопок, 180 м/50 г) — по 250 г голубого [№55] и белого (№213] цвета, крючок №2, 8 белых пуговиц.

An A-line dress with a slight flaring at the bottom is knitted from separate granny square elements, which are then sewn together.

Knit the granny square element according to the pattern

Размер одного квадрата — 8 см.

Knit a total of 88 full squares and 12 half squares (6 on each side).

Ряды 1, 3, 5 вяжите голубой нитью, ряды 2, 4 — белой.

Ряд 6 — обвязка, вяжите ст. б/н нитью белого цвета, в уголках над двумя возд, петлями вяжите по 2 ст. б/н.

Half squares are needed to expand the dress on the sides.

 The elements are parts of a square, where the width of the upper side of the subsequent part is equal to the width of the previous one.

The bottom side is always wider than the top.

 От проймы вниз — 2 ряда целых квадратов, затем 3 ряда половинок с расширением (см. фото) и еще 3 ряда целых квадратов.

Sew the squares together with a needle or using a hook, first horizontally, then connect the resulting strips vertically (see product pattern).

The size of the dress can be adjusted using side inserts. For example, if the bust circumference is larger, immediately from the armhole, begin expanding the fabric using elements of half squares.

Wash the dress.

 Tie the edges with white yarn, 1 row of single crochets and 1 row of single crochets. columns.

Sew the buttons down the center of the front piece.

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