Пуловер «Чайная роза»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Summer blouses, tops, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover "Tea Rose"

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An incredibly beautiful tea rose color pullover will make your look feminine and romantic.

Model Natalia Kravchenko

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Size: 38

You will need: пряжа CoCo (100% мерсеризованый хлопок, 240 м/50 г) — 250 г цвета чайной розы, крючок 1,75 для основного вязания и №1,5 для обвязки.

Knit square motifs for the base of the pullover according to pattern 1.

 Размер одного мотива — 12х 12 см.

For one square, tie 5 air. p., close it in a ring.

1-й ряд — 8 ст. б/н.

2-й ряд — 13 возд. п., 1 ст. с/н, 10 возд. п., 1 ст. с/н и т. д. по схеме.

 Connect the squares together while knitting in the last row using single crochets.

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In total, knit 28 square motifs and 2 triangular ones to decorate the rounded neckline of the front part.

Tie the neckline with 8 rows of stitches. b/n and next to the “crawfish step”.

For the sleeves, knit three square motifs in width, two in length.

For the hem of each sleeve, tie two triangles, placing them as shown in the photo. Sew the sleeves into the armhole.

Along the edge of the sleeves and the bottom of the pullover, tie a border according to pattern 2.

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