Ажурный пуловер
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Openwork pullover

вязаный пуловер

It’s simply breathtaking when you look at a snow-white pullover with intricate openwork decor!



Knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4; tapestry needle.


23 p. x 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch and openwork pattern on needles No. 4.


Knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left

Slip 1 stitch, knit 1, then pull it through the removed loop.


Facial surface


Knit alternately knit 2, purl 2.

Openwork pattern (number of loops is a multiple of 19+2)

 Knit according to the pattern. Always repeat from 1st to 10th r.

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On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 97 (103:111:118) sts and knit 15 r for the placket. (= 5 cm) with an elastic band.

Switch to needles No. 4 and knit in an openwork pattern according to the pattern, knitting 0 (3:7:1) sts on both sides in stockinette stitch.

When the height of the part is 30 cm from the armhole bar, close 8 stitches on both sides.

After 18 (19:20:21) cm from the beginning of the armholes, bind off all remaining loops.


On 3.5 knitting needles, cast on 97 (103:111:118) sts and knit 15 r for the placket. (= 5 cm) with an elastic band. Knit further as for the back, but with a deeper neckline.

After 12 (13:14:15) cm from the beginning of the armholes, close the middle ones for the neckline 23

(25:27:30) sts and then knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close on both sides in every 2nd r. 3 x 3 p., 4 x 1 p. After 6 cm from the beginning of the neck, close the remaining 16 (18:21:23) p. of each shoulder.


Using knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 42 (46:50:54) sts for each sleeve and knit 15 r for the placket. (= 5 cm) with an elastic band.

Switch to needles No. 4, evenly adding 7 sts in the 1st row, and knit as follows: 14 (16:18:20) sts in stockinette stitch, 21 sts in an openwork pattern according to the pattern, 14 (16:18: 20) stitches in stockinette stitch.

Starting from the 5th row, add on both sides every 4th row. 5 x 1 p., in every 6th r. 10 x 1 p., knitting the added loops with stockinette stitch.

After 35 (38:41:44) cm from the sleeve placket, close the sleeves on both sides for piping

3 sts each, then decrease on both sides at a distance of 2 sts from the edge in every 2nd r. 18 (19:20:21) x 1 p. (for decreases on the right: knit 2 p. together with a tilt to the left; for decreases on the left: knit 2 p. together with the knit one).

After 15 (16:17:18) cm from the beginning of the sleeve roll, close the remaining 37 (39:41:43) sts.


Sew the right shoulder seam. Using knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 116 (116:120:120) sts along the edge of the neckline and knit 9 r. (= 4 cm) with an elastic band.

Close all the loops according to the drawing.


Sew the left shoulder seam, connecting

into the neckband ring.

Sew the sleeve seams.

Sew in the sleeves. Sew side seams.

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