Stylish pullover made of fine mohair with beads
Стильный женский пуловер из тонкого, словно паутинка, мохера вошел в изящную коллекцию вязаной женской одежды под названием Мир — мир настоящей женщины.
Pullover with stand-up collar
A pullover will replace an entire wardrobe, because it can be worn every day, combined with any trousers, jeans and other partners. The effectively intertwined “braids” throughout the entire canvas look a little brutal, but the light beige shade softens the picture
Double-breasted crochet jacket
Модный и одновременно классический жакет с двумя рядами пуговиц. Обратите внимание — он связан крючком, а вовсе не спицами, как кажется на первый взгляд.
Jacket with zigzag pattern
Яркий жакет из пряжи сочных цветов связан узором из зигзагов.
The magic of Scandinavian crochet. Ultra-fashionable granny squares. Part 1
The magic of Scandinavian crochet. Ultra-fashionable granny squares. Part 1
Sweater with melange braids.
Sweater with melange braids.
Jumper with wide elastic band and openwork braids
The perfect fit and classic knit pattern make this style completely versatile - it will fit perfectly into any wardrobe.
Snow-white jumper with a figured yoke and ruffles
Snow-white jumper with a figured yoke and ruffles
Sweater "Gradient"
A favorite combination of gray and pink, plus interesting openwork. You can't help but like this pullover
Women's jumper “CLEO”
A great jumper for the off-season, knitted from 100% wool. The model has an original design: a dropped shoulder and a batwing sleeve.