Summer blouse
Harmoniously complementary stripes with openwork diamonds on the yoke and openwork teeth along the bottom of the blouse add sophistication to the outfit.
Straight cut openwork jacket
The jacket will come in handy on a cool summer evening, in winter and autumn as office wear, or in spring, when it is not yet summer and no longer spring.
Top with butterfly pattern
Свяжи себе красивую вещь с мечтой о лете, море, озере и путешествиях в будущем — эта прелесть с узором «бабочка» пригодится тебе всегда, где бы ты ни побывала, Дорогая Вязальщица, и послужит тебе сейчас позитивным якорем для того, чтобы мечтать и верить в хорошее будущее.
Snow white knitted top
Snow-white knitted women's top is the trend of the season
Openwork top with straps made of linen
A beautiful summer top with straps is knitted with elastic and decorated with openwork patterns on the sides.
“Nefertiti” - pullover with openwork stripes
“Nefertiti” is a pullover with openwork stripes, knitted in the round, with ¾-length sleeves and a round neckline.
Top knitting Miss Gardener
Топ спицами или кроп-топ можно связать из пряжи DROPS Paris. Изделие вяжется снизу вниз лицевой гладью, край обработан с помощью шнура I-cord. Размеры S — XXXL.
Jacket sea nymph
A charming knitted jacket for women, made from medium-thick cotton yarn. Knitting a jacket begins from the neckline; additions to the raglan lines are made along the edges of the pattern with which the raglan is decorated.