Collection of 3 D floral motifs. Part 1.
Wonderful collection
various 3D motifs. Collection of 48 motifs and 8 designs.
Detailed diagrams will help you complete any of your favorite projects without translation.
Sweater with ribbed pattern
Красивый рельефный узор этого свитера привлекает внимание, а практичная пряжа из шерсти и хлопка делает модель очень приятной в носке.
Розовый пуловер с крупными «косами».
A deep pink pullover, knitted from two types of warm yarn, joined together, with the front and back trimmed with three “braids” in maxi format – you can’t take your eyes off such a fashionable, bright thing!
Men's jacket with braids and shawl collar
Классический жакет в рустикальном стиле украшен сочетанием различных кос.
Pullover with a yoke made of openwork braids.
Pullover with a yoke made of openwork braids.
White sweater with a pattern of “Braids” and “Bumps”
Классика жанра: мягкий кашемир, сочетание «кос» и «шишечек».
Pullover with diamonds
Interesting knitted pullover with diamonds
Lilac cardigan with embossed diamonds
A cardigan made of wool blend yarn, made with simple double crochets and single crochets, is very enlivened by diamonds with cones, as well as a belt and knitted buttons
Blue men's pullover with honeycomb pattern
Мужской троер с высоким воротником на застежке-молнии связан спицами узором из сот из шерсти альпаки.