Openwork pullover motifs
A spectacular openwork pullover from a Japanese magazine is crocheted from motifs.
Pullover with offset stripes
Эффектный пуловер с рисунком со смещенными полосами. Модель связана из тонкого мохера с шелком и твидовой пряжи. Игра фактур — тренд этого сезона.
Long sweater with leaves pattern
Модель вяжется сверху вниз: широкие полосы натуральных оттенков служат фоном для некрупных темно-серых «листьев», выполненных в жаккардовой технике.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Mesh pullover
A knitted pullover can be light and airy if its main parts are knitted with mesh, and braids are added for decoration and volume. Soft lines and comfort in wearing the pullover are given by the knitted elastic band of the high collar, along the bottom of the pullover and sleeves.