White openwork dress
A spectacular crocheted dress will undoubtedly take its rightful place in your summer wardrobe. Put it on a fabric cover and you're ready for a delicate and elegant evening look.
Paired with a swimsuit - a great option for vacation!
Openwork vase crochet dress
Ажурное, чуть прозрачное платье шикарного стального оттенка — идеальный наряд для вечернего выхода в свет. Ведь лето — время вечеринок.
Knitted dress for the winter season
The most familiar and most complex genre of knitwear fashion is the dress. This is definitely a design success. In black, blue or nude colors, such a dress will look just as impressive!
Openwork crochet jacket with shawl collar
An openwork crochet jacket for women, made of wool yarn, will appeal to women and girls who prefer freedom and comfort in clothing. The jacket has short sleeves and a shawl collar.
Delightful patchwork jacket
A delightful crocheted jacket pattern. It looks like a light pink haze.
Jacket with openwork borders
Эта модель цвета хаки очаровывает роскошными рукавами и волнистой ажурной каймой, подчеркивающей легкую асимметрию нижнего края.
Double-breasted coat with pockets
Двубортное пальто с карманами вязаное спицами. В дополнение к пальто — ультрамодная шапочка.
Openwork crochet coat.
Another model of an openwork coat. After all, crocheting such models turns out best, delicate and flying.
Openwork pullover with a pattern of embossed leaves
This beautiful crocheted pullover attracts attention with an interesting pattern with embossed leaves. To knit the pullover, the thread chosen is thick enough to make the leaf pattern large and expressive.