Yellow pullover with pineapples
In such a blouse you can feel great in any heat. After all, its open patterns and loose silhouette create all the conditions for convenience and comfort.
Jumper "Strawberry Ice Cream"
Jumper "Strawberry Ice Cream"
Dark blue top
Thanks to the unusual motifs, the crocheted top looks very elegant.
Pullover with round motifs
Pullover with round motifs
Diagonally crocheted top
Бирюзовый топ вяжется от правого угла чередованием ажурных полос и дорожек из столбиков. Стильный декор — подвески с можжевеловыми кубиками.
Crochet top. Knitting from the center
The original design solution of the model is suggested by the geometric shape of the hexagonal motif. The rays growing from the center of the star allow you to model a silhouette that emphasizes all the advantages of your figure.
Openwork tunic and handbag
Combining a tunic with a handbag is a very convenient solution. There is no need to think and guess which handbag is better to choose. You will look attractive and interesting, think about how many people will be in the same outfit? It is unlikely that anyone else will be able to outdo you.
Ring top
Лето — время легких ажурных топов и красивых кружевных узоров. Особое место
Among them is the figure eight pattern.
V-neck top.
Master class from Elena Shkorina on knitting a very simple top with a triangular neckline on the front and back. It is made from sectional yarn in gray-blue tones and is knitted from top to bottom.
Кофточка крючком «Зефир»
Кофточка крючком — Зефир — выполнена из отдельных мотивов. Ажурные мотивы напоминают зефир.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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