Crochet tunic sundress
The tunic-sarafan model is a wonderful embodiment of openwork and geometry in elements for the stylish and graceful.
Black knitted and crocheted dress
The black dress is knitted and crocheted from viscose. It beckons and attracts absolutely all eyes.
Turquoise charm. Openwork costume from motifs
Turquoise charm. The suit of a top with wings and a long flared skirt captivates with its beauty! It is impossible to take your eyes off him!
Платье крючком — Морские волны
Платье «Морские волны» с запахом в юбке и с цельновязанным рукавом. Волнистый ажурный узор такой эффектный в сочетании с контрастными полосками!
Gold Herringbone Crew Neck Dress
An openwork, beautiful, charming and incredibly feminine dress, for all lovers of “something like that, with a twist”, everyone who likes to be unique, spectacular and attractive
Lilac crochet suit
A summer set with an asymmetrical hem is ideal for those who prefer the classics
Floral Diamond Pullover
Working on this model requires a fair amount of skill and patience, but the result is worth it!
Openwork summer suit made of cotton
The elegance and charm of a great summer suit is undeniable. Of course, knitting will require time and skill, but you are guaranteed everyone's attention.
Woven jacket
Короткая история — зато какая яркая и запоминающаяся! Ослепительный маленький жакет из ослепительной пряжи. Восторженные взгляды окружающих вам обеспечены.
Openwork dress with lace
A beautiful simple dress is decorated with openwork lace - this gives the product an additional decorative effect.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Оранжевый пуловер с узорами из «Кос»
Настоящее очарование ручной работы: яркий пуловер слегка небрежного покроя, украшенный фантазийными «косами», просто неотразим в сочетании с романтичным воздушным платьем!
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