Пуловер узором мережка
Стильный женский пуловер, связанный крючком из летней хлопковой пряжи. Узор для вязания также выбран весьма подходящий для лета.
Пуловер «Casual»
Пуловер «Casual»
Pullover Floral
What is autumn and winter without pullovers? The model of a loose silhouette in the color of pearls is knitted with a pattern of openwork rhombuses and cones, decorated with flowers and small bouquets.
Pullover Multicolor
Everything is mixed on this pullover in the oversize style: colors, patterns, lines. If you want to stand out from the crowd and add a truly original item to your wardrobe, pick up a hook and start creating!
Pullover "Theatrical"
Relief pattern of diamonds, decor of colored sequins, wide elastic band and a delicate shade of champagne. This pullover is so good that you can't help but fall in love with it!
Hippie style cardigan
The “hippie” style manifested itself recklessly and colorfully, rejecting established rules, principles and trends, so crocheted products are favorites of this style, when it is possible to safely mix not only colors, but also patterns, a striking example of which is a cardigan, actively decorated with another popular element - fringed.
Роскошный сиреневый жакет
Роскошный сиреневый жакет
Pullover "Magic"
Colored diamonds and stripes on a white canvas look great! This warm pullover will delight you for many seasons.
Cardigan with wide sleeves
The interesting openwork pattern and attractive design of this cardigan will not go unnoticed by others. The model is assembled from motifs, so it is convenient to work on it even on the road.
Crochet dress with diamonds made of “cones”
The dress, stylish in color, style, and decor, attracts with mysterious symbols and signs made in relief patterns with “bumps”, which can be arranged and complemented according to your own taste and desire, thereby creating a unique composition.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Ажурный салатовый джемпер
Свободный джемпер из хлопка с кашемиром создает ощущение воздушности благодаря сетчатым узорам, органично сочетающимся с участками глади и изящным узором из скрещенных петель.
Пуловер с жаккардовыми полосами
Прямо в точку: мятно голубой пуловер с круглым вырезом не только удобен, но и универсален — он подойдет к любому случаю. Независимо от того, будете вы ого носить со светлыми джинсами или юбкой, он придаст вашему образу особую нотку благодаря белым жаккардовым полоскам, напоминающим «барашки» на море.
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