Эффектная туника — Белые ночи
Бабочки, цветы, завитки и еще множество других элементов — то едва уловимые на белом полотне, то поражающие воображение яркими штрихами. От ажурной туники оттенков гжели невозможно отвести глаз!
Beautiful top with slits on the sides.
This beautiful top with slits on the sides is crocheted with zagzag patterns, the front and back are connected at the shoulders with beads.
Pullover with yoke
Pullover with yoke
White pullover in fillet technique
Белый пуловер в филейной технике с декором из геометрических элементов. Модель Светланы Горевой Размер: 36 Вам потребуется: пряжа Novita Huvila (100% хлопок, 332 м/ 100 г) — 500 г белого цвета, крючок №1,5. Модель выполнена в филейной технике. На схеме 1 клетка = 1 ст….
Tunic with multi-colored squares
The tunic with multi-colored squares is made using the fillet knitting technique.
Blouse with yoke from motifs
The yoke of this blouse is assembled from colored squares and triangles in ethnic style. This model will make a wonderful ensemble with both trousers and a long flowing skirt.
Sirloin suit
Crochet suit from Valentina Dyachenko.
Gray crochet top
Gray crochet top
Pullover with braids
Here is a model crocheted with double crochets. The semi-fitted silhouette is accentuated by a round neckline and narrow raglan sleeves.
Top with round yoke with pineapple pattern
Top with round yoke with pineapple pattern
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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В основу кардигана из тончайшего мохера легли воздушные мотивы. Словно мягкие пушистые снежинки!
Openwork jumper
Cream pullover with openwork yoke
The cream pullover will surround you with comfort thanks to the high cashmere content in the thread. This charming model is knitted in stockinette stitch, decorated with an openwork yoke and wide trims.
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