130 мотивов и 20 моделей аксессуаров. Часть 4 — Круглые мотивы.
Японские книги — это всегда интересные и оригинальные предложения и проекты. 130 прекрасных мотивов и 20 моделей замечательных аксессуаров. Часть 4 –круглые мотивы
Summer suit
This long openwork crochet skirt is crocheted with a beautiful diamond pattern. A stylish item for your summer wardrobe.
Dress “Tenderness”
Gorgeous flowers and soft pink color. This floor-length dress can melt even the coldest heart.
Elegant two-tone dress
Это коктельное платье нужно одевать, безусловно, только «по особому случаю». Лиф из цветочных мотивов, завышенная талия, волан на юбке — очень романтичное сочетание, которое лучше себе позволить на свидании с любимым человеком или на вечеринке.
Evening short black dress with open back
A little black dress is a timeless outfit at all times and for all occasions. Pearls also keep up with this tradition, and they are especially popular these days.
Blue dress with motifs
A beautiful openwork summer dress is crocheted. The bodice of the dress consists of motifs that can be knitted using the continuous knitting method.
Elegant brown crochet dress
A spectacular and very elegant dress. The apparent ease of execution is created by using a simple pattern, but you will need to strictly follow the pattern and very precise calculations for a perfect fit.
Transformable jacket “Fuchsia”
An interesting wrap jacket with a little secret, it can be worn in two ways: with a wrap at the front or at the back.
Openwork knitted set
For a gentle and romantic nature, today we are creating a luxurious crocheted summer suit, in which a small top is skillfully complemented by an original asymmetrical skirt
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Трехцветный цельновязаный пуловер с укороченными рукавами
Вязанный верху вниз классический пуловер соединяет темно-синий и белый цвет. Модель украшена серебристо-серыми нитками, напоминающими перышки.
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