Cardigan with lace elements “Amethyst”
Cardigan with lace elements “Amethyst”
Pullover "Maple leaves"
Crochet autumn maple leaves. You are probably already familiar with knitting patterns for maple leaves? And for me they are autumn. This real effect of fallen autumn leaves is created by the yarn used for knitting - section-dyed yarn.
Blouse "Malachite Flower"
A crocheted blouse with an Irish pattern always looks very impressive and elegant. Irish lace looks very elegant. By wearing such a blouse, you can be sure that you will always be the center of attention.
Pullover made from section-dyed yarn
Интересная модель обращает на себя внимание благодаря использованию нетрадиционной пряжи для ирландской техники — мохера секционного крашения,
Pullover with roses
Irish lace pullover
Pullover in ethnic style
A stunning pattern in the center of the blouse, made from many elements combined into one composition. There are geometric shapes and flowers here... Beauty!
Blue crochet dress
Нежное, женственное, полупрозрачное платье связано из мотивов ирландского кружева .Неординарное решение — расклешенная юбка из красивых квадратных мотивов.
Blue fancy dress
Blue elegant dress in mixed techniques of Irish and Romanian lace.
Блуза «Воздушный зефир»
Original motifs on a snow-white blouse are assembled into a stunningly beautiful composition, worthy of the attention of an artist’s brush. This model will become the main pearl of your knitted collection.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Красивый нежный джемпер двухцветный
Очень женственный и красивый. Благородное сочетание оттенков воплотилось в изысканном джемпере с кокеткой в полоску и традиционным узором из розочек. Особое изящество ему придает тонкий мохер и блестящие пайетки россыпью по джемперу.
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