Short pullover with decorative trims
Укороченный пуловер с диагональным узором в резинку и такими актуальными деталями, как широкий «пояс», небольшой воротник — стойка и декоративные планки по бокам
Wool pullover with embossed patterns.
An oversized pure wool pullover with a high collar fastened on the side with buttons is a universal model that will successfully add to your wardrobe and will remain in it for more than one season.
Pullover “Flower of Oblivion”
Pullover with braids, knitted from separate parts.
White openwork pullover
White openwork pullover, made of exquisite yarn with cashmere.
Jumper Teal Deal
Turquoise jumper from Vogue
Pullover with leaf pattern
It’s a sunny, cool day - and you’re ready to meet it in a very beautiful pullover with an interesting pattern of embossed leaves. Cloudy weather is not scary either - the warm color seems to warm you up.
Jumper Puno Due.
Jumper Puno Due.
Pullover with a cable pattern made of two colors of yarn
Products made from Lana Grossa yarn look stylish, fashionable and tasteful. We invite you to knit a pullover that will definitely become a favorite item in your fall-winter wardrobe.
Heavenly beauty pullover with bells
A soft blue pullover with vertical rows of pearl knit along the edges of the front and back. The central pattern consists of two rows of braids and three rows of diamond patterns, with a bell pattern in the center.
Raglan pullover with different braids and ruffles on the sleeves.
You will have to work hard on a tight-fitting pullover made from selected pure wool yarn: various braid patterns and ruffles on the sleeves will require experience and patience.
But all the efforts will pay off, because the result will be a very impressive and elegant product.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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