Пуловер и плетеный воротник — хомут
Masterly execution of braids and Irish patterns will require experience and patience, but the result will be a pullover that will be truly exclusive. A two-color collar, woven from three separately connected stripes, will pleasantly warm your neck and shoulders.
Red mohair pullover
A universal pullover made with thin threads of mohair and silk in three folds.
Джемпер с фантазийными «косами»
Джемпер с фантазийными «косами» и свободными рукавами без манжет станет фаворитом в прохладный сезон!
Pullover with lace trims
Pullover with knitting needles crossed at the front, knitted diagonally and decorated with filigree lace
Pullover with small decorative motifs
Sometimes small decorative motifs against the background of the front surface are enough to give an ordinary pullover a new interpretation.
Pullover with golf collar and hat with lapel
A great pairing: a pullover with a golf collar and a hat in the same design make a lasting impression.
Sweater Colorblock oversized
Oversized, loose knit sweater with three-quarter sleeves, crafted using the intarsia technique.
Warm moss-colored sweater with large braids
A special treat for pattern lovers: the braids and cross-rib make the golf-neck sweater a real hit.
Stylish purple pullover with bumps.
Stylish purple pullover with bumps.
Cashmere jacquard pullover
This jacquard pullover has a completely classic shape, but the dynamic arrow pattern turns it into a trend piece with great potential! The model is truly universal and will delight you for more than one season.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Вязаное пончо с объемными «косами»
Если у вас еще не было пончо, то самое время им обзавестись, ведь такая модель с крупными «косами» не останется без внимания. Несмотря на объем, пряжа из шерсти с полиамидом довольно легкая, и модное пончо оверсайз можно носить хоть каждый день.
Свободный свитер с широким узором по центру переда
Универсальная модель для любого возраста. Простая и элегантная — но, не без изюминки. Рельефный крупный узор по центру оптически вытягивает фигуру.
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