Openwork pullover
Button blouse from Novita - openwork and very feminine
Pullover with patterns with removed loops.
The graphic design on the pullover, knitted from a soft alpaca wool blend, resembles jacquard. But in fact, patterns with removed loops give such a visual effect
Pullover with a combination of patterns
The rustic style pullover impresses with its wide variety of knitted structures. Here “braids”, diamonds, and a large pearl pattern are combined, and “and they are located differently on the back than in the front.
Pullover with an openwork pattern and wide elastic.
The attractiveness of the sand-colored pullover lies in the contrast of the wavy openwork and wide stripes of elastic band, as well as the comfortable oversized shape and elegant neckline
Voluminous raglan pullover with arans
A voluminous raglan pullover is knitted with arans from thick woolen threads in a juicy berry color.
Oversized knitted vest
The oversized vest is knitted from almost weightless soft yarn with alpaca wool and is therefore especially relevant when temperatures fluctuate.
Pullover with ribbed stripes
This large, cozy pullover is knitted in a mix of stockinette and slip stitch patterns in a two-tone pattern of soft wool-cotton yarn.
Long openwork cardigan light beige
Super soft alpaca blend yarn forms the basis of an intricate openwork pattern. It covers the entire length of a light beige cardigan with welt pockets, elastic panels and a button closure.
Knitted jacket with openwork braids
Fashionable model of a women's jacket with braids with a pattern and free knitting description.
Coat knitted in stockinette stitch
A gentle, light coat will warm you and add elegance to your look!
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Джемпер со связанным поперек верхом и шапка
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Вязаное пончо с объемными «косами»
Если у вас еще не было пончо, то самое время им обзавестись, ведь такая модель с крупными «косами» не останется без внимания. Несмотря на объем, пряжа из шерсти с полиамидом довольно легкая, и модное пончо оверсайз можно носить хоть каждый день.
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