Summer jumper with scallops
Summer jumper with scallops
Patterned khaki pullover
Women's raglan sweater with round yoke
White blouse with leaves
White blouse with leaves
Original cut blouse
Knitting a women's blouse is done in triangular pieces for the front and back and wide sleeves.
White jumper with flared sleeves
A new favorite thing in your wardrobe: 3/4 sleeves that flare out at the bottom, a deep neckline, an openwork pattern alternating with smooth fragments - this jumper has nothing but advantages!
Jacket with short sleeves
A soft pink openwork cotton jacket, everything is laconic and simple. The bottom edge of the jacket, neckline and sleeve edges are crocheted.
Turquoise top with wavy pattern
A silk top with a wavy pattern is the dream of all curvy women. It covers the hips and gently hugs the figure, emphasizing its advantages and skillfully hiding a couple of extra pounds.
Blue top with round yoke
A blue top with a round yoke is an elegant thing for fans of classic style! Everything here is flawless: pure deep blue cotton, a feminine shape with a round yoke, and a structural pattern that is doubly expressive against the background of the front surface.
Pullover with openwork diamonds
In a short-sleeved pullover, knitted from a cotton-blend yarn, a stripe with openwork diamonds in the middle of the model at the top and bottom is edged with a translucent through pattern - this will allow the body to breathe better, but nothing unnecessary will be revealed.
Pullover with openwork stripes
Pullover with openwork stripes
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Вязаное пончо с объемными «косами»
Если у вас еще не было пончо, то самое время им обзавестись, ведь такая модель с крупными «косами» не останется без внимания. Несмотря на объем, пряжа из шерсти с полиамидом довольно легкая, и модное пончо оверсайз можно носить хоть каждый день.
Свободный свитер с широким узором по центру переда
Универсальная модель для любого возраста. Простая и элегантная — но, не без изюминки. Рельефный крупный узор по центру оптически вытягивает фигуру.
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