White cotton pullover
The combination of traditional openwork patterns used to create this model will not leave any needlewoman or fashionista indifferent.
Cardigan Pearlescent
Жакет связан из пряжи DROPS Alpaca и Kid-Silk сверху вниз, с косами и воланами на рукавах. Размеры S — XXXL.
Multicolor sleeveless summer dress with frill
The sleeveless cotton dress is knitted in a wavy peacock feather pattern and decorated with a frill at the bottom.
Топ с узором из «ромбов»
A stylish top with a mesmerizing diamond pattern that harmoniously combines larger and smaller elements.
Tunic with openwork diagonal stripes
An exquisite mix of patterns: braids, openwork stripes and pearl patterns are very good in a refreshing mint color.
Knitted pullover with dropped armholes
Knitted pullover with dropped armholes
Short sleeve jacket and top with openwork pattern
A luxurious summer jacket with short raglan sleeves and a wide neckline, complete with a top, knitted with the finest openwork pattern from light cotton-viscose yarn.
Top with openwork pattern on the back
Ажур впереди — это привычно. Ажур на спине — это эффектно.
Cardigan Frosted Mountains
Связать кардиган спицами можно из пряжи DROPS Paris или DROPS Bomull-Lin. Кардиган вяжется снизу вверх ажурным узором. Размеры: S — XXXL
Summer blouse “Patio Nights”
A summer blouse with a touch of luxury will help you spend a warm evening with friends on a cozy patio.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Pullover with braid pattern
Эффектный вид нашего пуловера обусловлен не только узором из «кос», как будто созданным в 3D формате, но и натуральной хлопковой пряжей, которая отлично проявляет себя в таких структурах. Плотная и относительно теплая — она отлично подходит для межсезонья.
Кардиган La Mare
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