Patchwork dress
Платье в стиле пэчворк с оригинальной композицией из 21 узора. Для выполнения этой модели надо иметь навык вязания спицами.
Round parts
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Round details by Hitomi Shida.
Patterns for edging products
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Patterns for edging products from Hitomi Shida.
Modifications of patterns
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Modifications of Hitomi Shida's patterns.
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Arana by Hitomi Shida.
Openwork patterns
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Openwork patterns by Hitomi Shida.
Relief patterns
The best knitting patterns and step-by-step patterns. Raised and crossed stitch patterns by Hitomi Shida.
Mesh dress
The graceful dress is knitted from fine cotton ribbon yarn with just a hint of shine. In the spring it will make a splash.
Midi dress with openwork pattern
Элегантное и непринужденное, это платье длиной чуть выше колена, связанное из хлопковой пряжи, настоящая находка!
Dress with woven and jacquard patterns
The unusual ribbed pattern paired with contrasting jacquard in this turtleneck mini dress will make you the center of attention.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с узором из «шишечек».
The pullover with a straight silhouette has many interesting details that make it
very feminine model: using mixed yarn
rich dark fuchsia color, embossed pattern of “bumps”,
grape-inspired design, boat neckline and 7/8 sleeves
Интересный пуловер с шишечками цвета охры
Перед долгой прогулкой нужно как следует утеплиться! Для этого нет ничего лучше пряжи из отборной овечьей шерсти и альпака, которая так хороша в теплых терракотовых тонах.
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