Graceful branches of different shades form a beautiful composition that adorns a stylish loose-fitting jumper.
Model Maria Kukhta
Size: SL
You will need: пряжа Alize Superlana Klasik [75% акрил, 25% шерсть, 280 м/100 г) — 400 г серого [№152), 100 г синего (№403) цвета, по 30 г рыжего (№234] и фисташкового цвета (№11), крючок №3.
Knitting density: 20 tbsp. s/n × 10 rows = 10 × 10 cm.
Knitting technique: The front and back are made with a jacquard pattern without broaches according to pattern 1. One square in the pattern = 1 tbsp. s/n.
Before: dial 101 air. p. + 2 air. lifting loops. Knit 3 rows st. s/n in blue.
Начиная с четвертого ряда, вяжите ст. с/н основной серой пряжей, вывязывая узор из листьев по схеме 1, распределяя цвета в следующем порядке: синий — рыжий — фисташковый — синий — фисташковый — рыжий — синий.
Having knitted 7 branches from 9 leaves, start making the neck: close the middle 30 loops.
Next, knit separately 8 rows of the right and left halves of the front part of the jumper according to pattern 2. symmetrically decreasing 1 loop in each 2nd row (a total of 3 decreases in six rows).
Then knit 2 more rows on both sides without decreasing.
Back: dial 101 air. p. + 2 air. lifting loops. Knit 3 rows st. s/n in blue.
Четвертый ряд вяжите ст. с/н основной серой пряжей, вывязывая узор из листьев и распределяя цвета в следующем порядке: синий — рыжий — фисташковый.
Attention! Knit only three branches of leaves on the back!
Design the neckline similarly to the front of the jumper.
Sleeves: dial 81 air. p. + 2 air. lifting loops.
Вяжите 3 ряда ст. с/н синим цветом. В четвертом ряду распределите цветные нити по схеме 3 (белые клеточки — цвет основной серой пряжи).
Assembly: sew shoulder and side seams, leaving holes for the sleeves. Sew the sleeves and sew them to the product.
Sew the elements of the product with gray yarn using a large needle.
Tie the cuffs of the sleeves and the bottom of the jumper with blue yarn in a crawfish step.
Tie the neckline in a circle with embossed columns of blue yarn.
Alternate between a convex stitch (insert the hook from right to left, wrapping around the column of the previous row from the front) and a concave column (insert the hook from right to left, wrapping around the column of the previous row from the back).
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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