Ловец снов
Crochet, My works

Dream Catcher

A dream catcher is a home amulet that protects against nightmares, drives away bad dreams, allows you to quickly fall asleep and relieves insomnia.

 It gives a person good dreams, helps to get a good night's sleep and ensures a great mood during the day. Perhaps these are the main functions.

 You can also make a dream catcher an assistant in lucid dreams, attracting joy and inspiration. And the dream catcher eliminates negative energy, helps to achieve peace and harmony both with yourself and others!

It is best to hang a dream catcher above the bed or on the window in the bedroom. According to legend, dreams enter the house through the window. And the amulet will catch them at the entrance, delay bad dreams and let only good ones through!

Dreamcatcher #1

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схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #2

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схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #3

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схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #4

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ловец снов
схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #5

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ловец снов
схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #6

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схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher No. 7

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ловец снов
схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher No. 8

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ловец снов
схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher No. 9, 10, 11

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ловец снов
ловец снов
ловец снов
схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher No. 12

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Dreamcatcher #13

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схема вязания крючком

Dreamcatcher #14

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Dreamcatcher #15

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схема вязания крючком

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