A hand-knitted snowman in a fashionable hat and scarf!
Описание автора — Asida:
I needed
белая пряжа — в моем случае это была Kartopu Flora ,, ))
hook No. 3
orange cotton threads and hook No. 1.5
eyes 10mm
thick cardboard, tape.
1 2 ch, in the second from the hook 6sbn
2 in each, 2 sc = 12
3 in each 2 for 2sc = 18
4 in each 3, 2 sc = 24
5 in each 4, 2 sc = 30
6 in each 5, 2 sc = 36
7 in each 6, 2 sc = 42
8 in each 7, 2 sc = 48
9 in each 8, 2 sc = 54
10-12 row of 1 sc without increments
13 each 8 in 2 loops = 48
14 by 1 sc = 48
15each 7sc in 2 loops = 42
16 each 6 sc in two loops = 36
17 each 5 sc in two loops = 30
18 each 4 sc in two loops = 24
19 each 3 sc in two loops = 18
20 each 2 sc in two loops = 12
each in 2 = 6 sc.
I insert the eyes between the 12th and 13th rows.
don't forget to fill your head with holofiber)))
the thread was secured and cut
1 ch, in the second from the hook 6sbn
2 in each, 2 sc = 12
3 in each 2 for 2sc = 18
4 in each 3, 2 sc = 24
5 in each 4, 2 sc = 30
6 in each 5, 2 sc = 36
7 in each 6, 2 sc = 42
8 in each 7, 2 sc = 48
9 in each 8, 2 sc = 54
10 in each 9, 2 sc = 60
11 in each 10, 2 sc = 66
12-16 1 sc without increase
17 each 10 sc in 2 loops = 60
18 each 9 sc in 2 loops = 54
19 each 8 sc in 2 loops = 48
20 each 7 sc in 2 loops = 42
21 each 6 sc in 2 loops = 36
22 each 5 sc in 2 loops = 30
23 each 4 sc in 2 loops = 24
24 each 3 sc in 2 loops = 18
25 each 2 sc in 2 loops = 12
each in 2 = 6
pull, fasten the thread and cut))
I stuff it on about 22-23 rows)

hands with mittens
take a thread with which we will knit mittens
2 ch in the second from the hook we dial 6 sc = 6
2 sc in each loop = 12
We knit rows 3-4 with 1 sc each,
5 we knit 5 sc and knit a fluffy stitch, this will be a finger on the mitten, then we knit another 6 sc = 12
6 every third in 2 loops = 9 sc
7 Now you need to knit 2 sc under the front loop of the braid, and so knit the increases in a circle. it turns out to be a sort of side of a mitten.
change the thread to white, and start knitting the handle behind the back of the pigtail of the sixth row, I got 8 sc in the circle (the second time it turned out 9, I don’t worry, the snowman is chubby, so a thicker or thinner handle doesn’t matter))
Don’t forget to tie the strings in a knot at the transition from the mitten to the handle so that they don’t unravel later.
8-16 1 sc in a circle
17 pull each 2 sc into 2 loops (don’t forget to stuff the handle before doing this) and fasten the thread, cut and hide the tip far away
slippers - feet))
prepare cardboard (I took thin 1-1.5 mm corrugated cardboard) and tape and of course scissors))
We collect a chain of 6 ch into the second loop from the hook, knit 3 sc, then one sc in each loop and 3 sc in the outer loop again, and one sc in the next 3 loops = 12
In the next three loops we knit 2 sc, in the next three - one sc, in the next three - again 2 sc, in the last three loops in this circle - one sc, you get an oval)) = 18 sc
In the next 6 loops, alternating, knit 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times), in the next three loops, knit one sc, in the next six loops, repeat the alternation of 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times); in the next three loops we knit one sc = 24
In the next nine loops we knit 1 sc, 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times), the next three loops we knit one sc; in the next nine loops knit 1 sc, 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times); in the next three loops we knit one sc = 30
We knit without increments in the round 30 sc but for the far loop of the braid
Again, in a circle without increments, we knit loops under a pigtail normally))
7 decreases in a row, 5 sc one at a time we knit and three decreases on the heel, and we knit 5 sc further))
теперь вырезаем овал по размеру подошвы из картонки, примеряем его внутрь нашего тапка-ботиночка. если что подрезаем или переделываем. Надо что бы картонка была идеальна — размер в размер, иначе будет выпирать, или съедит и снеговик не будет устойчив. Получилось? Отлично, сразу вырезаем еще одну картонку, и обклеиваем скотчем аккуратненько) и закладываем в ботиночек.
Three decreases and knit one at a time to the heel, fasten the thread.

Carrot nose.
Well, it depends on what kind of yarn you have, thin or thicker... mine turned out to be a little thick, there was no other available... I twisted it as best I could.
пишу как у меня было —
1 2 ch in the second from the hook 6 sc
2 one sc = 6
3 in each 3, 2 sc = 9
4-5 one at a time without increments
6 в каждую 4 по 2 сбн — 11
закрепить нить отрезать с учетом что этой же нитью надо пришить носик)) так что оставить надо см — 20
I sew the head and body with the holes inward (in those places where I stuffed holofiber), well, it’s clear how to sew the arms of the legs)))
All that remains is to knit the scarf and hat and the snowman is ready! Well, let’s not forget about the smile!
Scarf I knitted from right to left, each time with a new color. Tobish cast on a chain of chains, tightened the thread at the end and cut it
and on the right, a new row with a new color)) it turned out beautifully, with the front on one side and the back on the other))
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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