Эта яркая летняя кофточка выполнена из цветных «бабушкиных квадратов». Она выглядит очень стильно и позитивно и подойдет на любой размер.
Yarn 3 (3, 3, 4, 4, 4) skeins of white yarn (90% acrylic, 10% polyester, 239 meters per 60 grams) – main color;
1 skein of coral (A), olive (B), turquoise (C) and lilac (D) flowers;
hook number 4.
Summer sweater size: XS-S (M, L, XL, 2-3XL, 4-5XL).

Knitting density: 18 p. s n. x 10 rub. = 10 x 10 cm.
Small motif side: 7.5 (9; 9.5; 7.5; 9; 9.5) cm; large: 30.5 (35.5; 38; 30.5; 35.5; 38) cm.
Model description
Small M
Sizes XS-S and XL: according to the diagram. 1, 1-3 size diagram.
Sizes M and 2/3 XL: according to the diagram. 1, 1-3 size. scheme.

4 rubles: connection art. in the next arch (A), 1st century. p., 3 s. without n. in each A and 1 s. without n. in every s..
Sizes L and 4-5 XL: 4 rub. – connection art. in the next A, 3rd century. p. (= 1st s. with n.), (2 s. with n., 3 v. p., 3 s. with n.) in this A, *(1 v. p., 3 s. with n. in next A, 1 v. p.) x 2 **, (3 s. with n., 3 v. p., 3 s. with n.) in next. A, *, from * to * another x 2, then we knit between * and ** another x 1, connecting st.
Sizes XS-S, M, L: 68 M, changing colors - 12 main motifs. colors. like color 1 and thread C as color. 2; 16 M n. In as color 1 and n. How about the color? 2; 12 M n. With as color 1 and n. In as color 2; 8 M n. D as color 1 and n. In as color 2; 10 M n. A as color 1 and n. C as color 2; 10 M n. A as color 1 and n. D as color 2.
Sizes XL, 2-3 XL, 4-5 XL: 120 M, changing colors. – 24 Mn. basic color like color 1 and n. With as color 2; 22 Mn. In as color 1 and n. How about the color? 2; 18 Mn. With as color 1 and n. In as color 2; 18 Mn. D as color 1 and n. In as color 2; 20 M n. A as color 1 and n. C as color 2; 18 Mn. A as color 1 and n. D as color 2.
Triangular M
Knit 4 n. In as color 1 and n. How about the color? 2.
Sizes XS-S and XL - according to the diagram. 3, size 1-3. diagram..
Sizes M and 2-3 XL - according to the diagram. 1, 1-3 size. diagram..

4 rubles: connection art. in the next A, 1st century. p., 3 s. without n. in each A and 1 s. without n. in each column..
Sizes: L and 4-5 XL: 4th r. – ss. in the next A, 3rd century. p. (= first s. with n.), (2 s. with n., 3 v. p., 3 s. with n.) in this A, (1 s. p., 3 s. with n. in next A, 1 v. p.) x 2, (3 s. with n., 3 v. p., 3 s. with n.) in next. A, (1 v. p., 3 s. with n. in next A, 1 v. p.) x 2, skip next. 2 s., 3 s. s n. in the last column.
Big M
1-5 rows. scheme. 2, continue. having completed thus the square is up to 14 (14, 14, 14, 16, 16) p..
For M and 2-3 XL, 15th row: connecting column. Next. A, 1st century. p., 3 s. without n. in each A and 1 s. without n. in each. column..

We connect all the motifs with a needle and thread of the main color. according to the pattern.
Connect the sides of the shoulders, back and front.
Tie the neck, bottom and sleeves with the main thread. colors. With. without n.. Summer jacket with short sleeves is ready!
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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