Лиловый женский вязаный крючком пуловер
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Purple Women's Crochet Pullover

вязаный пуловер

Delicate and feminine, this crochet pullover is both simple and elegant. You can wear it to work or on holiday. Choose a color that matches your face; we suggest crocheting a purple pullover.

Size: 38/40


To knit a pullover you will need: 250 g lilac Jazz yarn (50% cotton, 50% polyacrylic, 125 m/50 g); hook No. 3.5.

Pattern A: the number of loops is a multiple of 28 + 19 + 3 air. lifting point. Knit according to pattern 1.

схема вязания крючком

Pattern B: the number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 9 + 3 air. lifting point. Knit as pattern A, but according to pattern 2. Repeat 1 time from 1st to 11th r.

схема вязания крючком

Узор «ракушки1: the number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 + 3 air. lifting point. Knit as pattern A, but according to pattern 3. Repeat 1 time from 1st to 6th r.

схема вязания крючком

Sirloin pattern: вязать, как узор «ракушки», но повторять только 1-й и 2-й р.

Pattern C: the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 3 air. lifting point. Knit like pattern A. but according to pattern 4.

схема вязания крючком

Repeat 1 time from 1st to 4th row.

Openwork pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 7 + 3 air. lifting point. Knit like pattern A. but according to pattern 5.

схема вязания крючком

Repeat 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd r.. then repeat the 2nd and 3rd r.

Sequence of alternating patterns: 14 р. узора А, 11 р. узора В, при этом в 1-м р. прибавить петли до 105 п., 2 р. ст. с/н, 6 р. узора «ракушки», при этом поверх средних 67 п. выполнить 4 мотива с ромбами, остальные петли с обеих сторон вязать филейным узором, 4 р. узора С, при этом в 1-м р. оставить 1 п. и через 4 р. ее снова ввести в работу. 5 р. узора «ракушки», 7 р. ажурного узора, затем вязать филейным узором.

Knitting density, patterns A and B: 20.5 p. = 10 cm and 21 p. = 10 cm.

How to knit a pullover

Back: tie a chain of 103 air. p. + 3 air. p. rise and knit in the specified sequence. After 45 cm from the cast-on edge, leave 8 stitches for the armholes on both sides and in each row 1 x 2 and 2 x 1 stitches = 81 stitches. After 63 cm from the cast-on edge, leave the middle 49 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides apart. After 64 cm from the cast-on edge, finish working on the remaining 16 stitches of the shoulder on each side.

Before: start the same way. but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 56.5 cm from the cast-on edge, leave the middle 39 stitches and on both sides leave 5 x 1 stitches in each row. Finish the work on the remaining 16 stitches of the shoulder on each side at the height of the back.

Sleeves: knit a chain of 75 p. + 3 air. p. rise and knit in the indicated sequence, while performing pattern B with 3 motifs on top of the middle 51 p., for pattern C add 1 p. and in the last p. turn it down again. After 44 cm = 37 r. from the cast-on edge, leave 4 stitches for the sleeve piping on both sides, in every 2nd row. 1 x 2. 2 x 1 p. and in each row 1 x 2. 1 x 3 and 1 x 4 p. After 57 cm from the cast-on edge, finish working on the remaining 43 p.

Assembly: выполнить швы; втачать рукава. Обвязать нижние края и края рукавов по 1 круговому р. ст. б/н. Обвязать вырез горловины по 1 круговому р. ст. б/н и «рачьего шага» (ст. б/н слева направо).

Pattern A: the number of loops is a multiple of 28 + 19 + 3 air. rise p. Knit according to pattern 1. Replace the 1st st. s/n of each row for 3 air. lifting point. Start with loops before rapport, repeat repeat, end with loops after repeat. Repeat 1 time from 1st to 14th row.

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