Новогодний декор
Crochet, Description and diagrams

New Year's decor

New year, new year, soon, soon it will come! Are you preparing for the New Year? Everyone's favorite holiday, which all children look forward to!

Every house, every apartment is decorated (or will soon be decorated) with different New Year's attributes: garlands, toys, balls, rain... and of course, the New Year tree!

Personally, I really like it when the Christmas tree is decorated with handmade toys. They go well with store-bought balls and icicles.

New Year's balls are as good as those on a Christmas tree! Patterns for knitted Christmas balls can be found here***

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схема вязания крючком
схема вязания крючком
схема вязания крючком
схема вязания крючком

New Year's inspiration: crochet snowflake patterns. Part 9 located here ***

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схема вязания крючком
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схема вязания крючком
схема вязания крючком

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