The famous Australian singer came out wearing a dress that did not go unnoticed in any country in the world.
All the craftswomen wanted to repeat the same dress. What is his success? Only at first glance it seems that the dress is absolutely ordinary and of similar styles with patterns, as they say, “a dime a dozen.”
However, this is not at all true. The fitted style of the dress fits perfectly not only on the star's parameters, but allows every body type to look advantageous. A thin strap will further highlight your waistline. Excessively full or thin arms are perfectly hidden by the outfit designer’s idea - here the pattern located on the bodice continues on the sleeve, which creates a single composition and gives an excellent result.

Size 46 -48
It took 500g of Turkish yarn Sarmasik 200m/50g; hooks 2.25-2.5-2.75mm

Knit from neckline top to bottom.
Using hook No. 2.25, cast on a chain of 198 loops - 18 motifs (back and front - 5 repeats each, sleeves - 4 repeats each).
One repeat = 11 loops. Close it in a ring, knit according to the pattern.
Basic pattern diagram

Stages of knitting a dress bodice

1 раппорт в высоту — крючок № 2,25 – в арках 3ВП
2 раппорт — крючок №2,5 — в арках 4 ВП
3 раппорт — крючок №2,75 – в арках 4 ВП – подготовка к добавлению мотива по линии реглана
4 раппорт — крючок №2,75 – в арках 5 ВП –добавление мотива по линии реглана (спинка и перед – по 7 раппортов, рукава – по 4 раппорта).
5 раппорт — крючок №2,75 в арках 5 ВП – пройма переда: увеличение арочек.
After 5 repeats in height, we divide the yoke into front, back and sleeves. We continue knitting the back separately.
5.1 Asian sprout – 1 rapport in height on the back – hook No. 2.75 – in 5VP arches. We knit only 7 back repeats.
6 раппорт – соединяем перед и спинку, (если не хватает объёма в груди — добавляем раппорт в подрезе между спинкой и передом) и вяжем по кругу вниз 14 раппортов (7 перед+ 7 спинка). – крючок №2,75 – в арочкох 5 ВП.
Undercut knitting pattern

7 rapport – hook No. 2.5 – in arches 4 VP
8 rapport – hook No. 2.25 – in arches 4 VP

Далее вязать юбку по схеме крючком № 2,5 — 15-18см.

To expand, change the hook to No. 2.75 and go to the diagram

Провязав 40 см переходим на вязание по схеме последнего раппорта кокетки и вяжем 30-35 см — 8 раппортов в высоту.

Sleeves: we get another rapport along the sprout on the back (it turns out 5 rapports).
We knit two repeats in height with crochet No. 2.75 with 4 VPs in the arches.

Neck treatment: We knit 1 row of sc and 1 row of “crawfish step”.
Bead embroidery on the finished product.
Belt knitted from two strips of cord, folded and sewn together with beads. A thin elastic band is stretched inside the cord. For the belt on the dress, thin loops are tied on the sides.

The lining is stretch crepe chiffon, the color matched perfectly. The underdress is sewn to the neckline and pinned along the waistline.

Thank you for watching! My other works are here
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Lilia, I have seen this model before, but with your additions it is excellent! You are the Master!
Lilia, how can I contact you if something is not clear?
me impresionó su trabajo, muchas gracias. Dios le bendiga siempre y siga compartiendo su trabajo.❤️🙏😘