This milk chocolate pullover features an amazing pattern of woven branches on the front and back of the embossed stitches.
Model Alena Filipenko
Size: S.M.

You will need: пряжа «Джинсовый ряд» (50% шерсть, 50% ПАН объемный, 250 м/ 100 г) — 600 г цвета светло-коричневый меланж, крючки №3, №4, №5.
Attention! Crochet the entire product using crochet number 5.

dial a chain of 16 air. p. and knit an elastic band st. b/n for the back wall of the loop (= 108 rows).
From the elastic up, knit 1 row of st. s/n (=108 loops).
Then, using markers, divide the piece into sections A and B, knitting each according to its own pattern.

Attention! All crosses in pattern A are knitted in st. s/n.

Scheme B is repeated 4 times.

Knit the neckline according to the pattern.
Be sure to iron the front piece.

knit an elastic band in the same way as the front part (= 108 rows).
Next, knit the entire back st. s/n according to the pattern.
The back is 6 rows shorter than the front part, since the relief pattern tightens the fabric a little.
Sew shoulder and side seams, leaving space for armholes.
start with an elastic band.
Cast on a chain of 16 chains. p. and knit 50 rows of st. b/n for the back wall of the loop.
From the elastic, knit 1 row of st. s/n (=50 loops).
Next, using markers in the middle of the sleeve, highlight section B, which you knit according to the pattern.
The rest of the sleeve is knitted in st. s/n.
In every 6th row, increase 1 loop on both sides.
Iron the sleeves, stitch them and sew them to the main product.

Neck strap:
crochet number 5, knit in a circle 1 row of st. b/n and 1 row st. s/n.
Затем вяжите, чередуя: «1 ст. с/н, 1 ст. с/н за переднюю стенку* (3 ряда крючком №5, 1 ряд крючком №4, 1 ряд крючком №3).
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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