Пуловер «Тюльпаны»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover "Tulips"

вязаный пуловер

The white pullover with a V-neck is knitted with a delicate openwork pattern and decorated with chains of flower buds.

Model Mukhamedova Ekaterina

 Dimensions: XS-S(M-LJXL-XXL

You will need: пряжа (50% шерсть, 50% акрил, 250 м/100 г) — 300-350 г основного цвета, 20-30 г цветной пряжи, крючок №25- 3,5 ножницы.

Knitting density: 16th century s/n x 8 rows 10 x 10 cm.

Attention! Knit from bottom to top

Наберите цепочку из 160 возд. п. и вяжите 3 ряда столбиками с/н, далее узором «тюльпаны» — 2 ряда по схеме 1.

схема вязания крючком

 1-й ряд — введите в работу зеленую нить и вяжите ряд галочек.

 2-й ряд — вяжите бутоны красной пряжей.

 6-й ряд — белой пряжей вяжите по 3 ст. с/н в каждую цепочку воздушных петель. Далее вяжите по схеме 2

схема вязания крючком

(7-й ряд — все столбики с/н),

 8-й ряд — чередуйте 1 ст. с/н, 1 возд. п. до конца ряда.

 9-10-й ряды — столбики с/н.

11-12-й ряды — узор «тюльпаны», как описано выше.

13-й ряд — как 6-й ряд.

14-й ряд — как 7-й ряд.

15-й ряд — как 8-й ряд.

 16-17-й ряды — столбики с/н.

18-й ряд — чередуйте 3 ст. с/н с одной вершиной и 2 возд п. до конца ряда.

 19-й ряд — вяжите 3 ст. с/н из одной вершины до конца ряда

 20-21-й ряды — столбики с/н.

 Repeat the pattern from the 15th to the 21st row.

 When 24 rows are knitted, leave 6 (9) 12 stitches for undercuts on the sides and then knit the front and back parts separately in straight and reverse rows.

Back: Continue knitting according to the pattern, adding loops along the edges to form a dropped shoulder line (see pattern 3).

схема вязания крючком

 When a total of 35 (38) 41 rows are knitted, mark 29 (32) 35 l along the edges, and then knit these loops separately for 3 more rows.

Before: Divide the piece into 2 equal parts and knit them separately according to pattern 2. Along the edges, add loops in the same way as the back.

At the same time, at the neckline, decrease 1 stitch in each row until there are 29 (32) 35 stitches on the weep (diagram 4).

схема вязания крючком

 Finish knitting at back height.

Tie the other side symmetrically.

Sew the shoulder seams with a chain stitch and then knit the sleeves

Sleeves: cast on a chain of 15 chain stitches and knit the cuff with an elastic band in straight and reverse rows. Knit a row of s/n stitches and unfold the knitting.

Next, knit in s/n stitches behind the back half-loop of the previous row, starting from the second loop. Knit 18-20 rows, connect the first and last rows with a chain stitch.

Next, knit the sleeve up from the cuff:

 1-й ряд — из каждых двух рядов манжеты провяжите 5 ст. с/н.

 Далее вяжите основным узором: 2 ряда столбиков, узор «тюльпаны», 2 ряда столбиков, 1 ряд — чередование 1 ст. с/н и 1 возд. п. 2 ряда столбиков, узор «тюльпаны», далее — узор по схеме 2.

At the same time, evenly add loops in every second row: add 1 tbsp. s/n at the beginning and end of the row.

 Note. If necessary, in alternating rows (1 treble s/n, 1 chain stitch) and in rows of an openwork pattern, add or reduce the number of loops.

 When the sleeve length is 30-34 rows, finish knitting the details.

Tie the second sleeve in the same way.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes using a chain stitch.

Bottom bar: attach the thread to the bottom edge of the pullover, cast on a chain of 15 chain stitches. Unfold the work, tie 11 sts. s/n, using the 12th art. connect the bar to the main part. Unfold the knitting and then knit s/n stitches behind the back wall of the loop of the previous row, starting from the second st.

Cutout strip: attach the thread to the center of the cutout, tie 2 air from this point. p., connect to the right edge at the level of the 1st row.

Tie 3 tbsp from the same base. s/n, using the fourth, connect to the left edge of the cutout.

Repeat the steps for the second row. 2 air p. connect with the edge, from the 3rd art. s/n of the previous row, knit 6 tbsp. s/n (knit 3 times 2 treble s/n from 1 treble s/n) behind the back wall

 Using the last stitch, connect the placket to the other edge of the collar. Knit in this way until you get 22 treble stitches x2 edge stitches between the edges of the neckline.

From this point on, divide the bar into two equal parts and knit separately. It is best to connect the strap either at the shoulder seam or in the center of the back using a chain stitch.

Note. To make the strap imitate an elastic band, knit the stitches behind the back wall. Thread the ends of the threads.

 Perform a WTO on the product and dry it in a horizontal position without stretching.

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