Пуловер цветочным узором
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with floral pattern

This crocheted lilac pullover with a beautiful floral pattern and wide straps will be a pleasure to wear!

вязаный пуловер

The author of the model is Svetlana Shcherbakova

Size: XS — S


You will need: пряжа Angora gold (80% акрил, 20% шерсть, 550 м/100 г) — 300 г сиреневого цвета, крючок №2,5.

Attention! Before starting work, make a full-size pattern.

Description of knitting

Back: dial a chain of 120 air. p. and knit in a pattern according to the pattern.

схема вязания крючком

At a height of 35 cm from the beginning of knitting, begin to decrease the armhole on both sides in accordance with the pattern. At a total height of 53 cm, leave the central 19 cm of the pattern unknitted and knit both sides separately for another 2 cm. At a height of 55 cm from the beginning, finish the work.

Before: knit similarly to the back until the height is 48 cm from the beginning of work, then leave the central 10 cm of the pattern undone.
Next, knit both sides separately, making decreases to smoothly round the neckline in accordance with the pattern. Finish the work at back height.

Sleeves: для манжета наберите цепочку из 24 возд. п. и вяжите резинку: полустолбики за заднюю полупетлю цепочки. Через 18 см соедините крючком первый и последний ряды резинки. По нижнему краю манжета проложите один ряд тамбурного шва, по верхнему — один, чтобы резинка сильно не растягивалась. Для основной части рукава по верхнему ряду тамбурного шва наберите 108 п. и провяжите один ряд столбиков с/н.
Next, knit in the round (or in straight and reverse rows) in a pattern according to the pattern. At a height of 40 cm from the cuff in the armpit area, leave 5 cm of the pattern unknitted. Next, knit in straight and reverse rows, decreasing on both sides to form the sleeve cap in accordance with the pattern. Finish knitting 16 cm from the start of knitting the armhole.

Assembly: sew side and shoulder seams, sew sleeves into armholes. Along the neckline, sew one row of chain stitch to avoid deformation of the neckline.

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