Вязаное пальто «бабушкиным квадратом»
Crochet, My works

Granny square knitted coat

вязаное пальто

Пальто украшает комбинация разных по величине «бабушкиных квадратов», цветных полос, асимметрия в расположении рисунка.

The coat is knitted according to the description of Svetlana Volkodav.

The original model can be viewed here***

A version of the coat in black mohair is presented here***

Size 46-50.


Пальто связано из стоковой пряжи на бобинах. Основной цвет — темно — зеленой хвои.

Average yarn thickness 300 -350m /100g

Finished product weight 1150g.

For work I used a hook No. 4.0 mm for the main knitting and a hook No. 3.0 mm for small squares;

 15 buttons with a diameter of 2.7 cm.

Description of work

Knit colorful squares:

1 large square for the left shelf of 15 rows, 1 large square for the back of 15 rows (width 28cm, last row C1H in the main color) for the back according to pattern 1.

Scheme 1.

схема вязания крючком
вязаное пальто

5 small squares from 2 rows;

бабушкин квадрат
бабушкин квадрат
бабушкин квадрат

3 square in 3 rows;

3 squares from 4 rows;

бабушкин квадрат

3 – from 5 rows;

бабушкин квадрат
бабушкин квадрат
вязаное пальто

2 – from 7 rows.

бабушкин квадрат
бабушкин квадрат

Knit the last row of all squares (except large ones) with C1H, then tie with a finishing step.

Sequence of colors in the photo.

For the back, cast on 113 VP + 3 VP instep and knit 1 row C1H.

 Then knit 28cm colored stripes according to pattern 3.

Scheme 3.

схема вязания крючком

Choose colors based on the photo or according to your taste.

Next, knit with the main color C1H 32cm (33 rows).

 After this, start making the hole for the square. On the first 32 stitches, knit a strip of 28 cm (28 rows) with the main thread up.

Skip the middle 50 stitches, attach a yarn and work a strip on the last 32 stitches.

Sew a square of 15 rows into the resulting hole with three sides.

At the same time as knitting the stripes, starting from the 19th row, add 9 stitches for the sleeves along the edges, 1 in each row.

On the stripes and square, knit another 20 cm (22 rows) with C1H with the main thread.

вязаное пальто

Left shelf

For the left front, cast on 49 VP + 3 VP rises and knit 1 row C1H.

 Sew a square of 15 rows.

Along the top of a square of 15 rows, knit 50 C1H with the main color.

Next, knit fabric C1H with the main thread.

 At a height of 79 cm, start adding for the sleeve - 9 times 1 stitch, as on the back.

At a height of 100 cm, start making the neckline, first decrease 12 stitches, then 4 times 1, ending with a vertical edge.

 The total height of the shelf is 109 cm.

вязаное пальто

Right shelf

 For the right front, cast on 49 VP + 3 VP rises and knit 1 row C1H.

  Next, knit fabric C1H, at a height of 79 cm, start adding for the sleeve - 9 times, 1 stitch, as on the back.

At a height of 100 cm, start making the neckline, first decrease 12 columns, then 4 times 1, ending with a vertical edge.

 Sew the shoulder seams.

вязаное пальто


For the sleeve, knit the main color 80 C1H along the armhole. Knitting in the round.

Continue with the main color - 7 rows with C1H color.

Start knitting sleeves

Next 25 cm (30 rows) of colored knitting according to pattern 3.

Finish the sleeve with 7 rows of the main color C1H and a crab step.

Completing the sleeve knitting


Knit 2 rows of dc along the entire hem line.

 On the left front, knit 208 sc and 7 more rows.

 On the right shelf, knit 208 sc, after the 3rd row of sc, make buttonholes.

The planks are reinforced along the length with a chain stitch.

This way we stabilize the edges of the shelves.

вязаное пальто

Along the neck

 knit 122 sc and 6 more rows, in the 3rd row on the right side make 1 button loop.

Then tie the straps and neckline with 2 rows of sc with colored threads and a finishing step with the main thread.

Finishing side bottom strips.

From the bottom of the square of the left shelf along the side line, knit with the main thread 50 C1H and 2 more rows of C1H, in the 3rd row of C1H, decrease 1 loop along the edges.

Side panel of the left shelf

Tie the bar along the free sides with 2 rows of sc with colored threads and a finishing step with the main thread.

 Symmetrically tie the bar along the side line of the right shelf.

вязаное пальто

Side panel of the right shelf


 For finishing, knit chains of various lengths from colored yarn and thread them along the C1H fabric on the shelves.

вязаное пальто

Sew the squares onto the front and back.

Use a chain stitch to finish the back and the shelf, using the photo as a guide.

вязаное пальто

Thank you for watching!

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