Филейное платье «Оранжевые лилии»
Crochet, My works, My works, Loin Knitting

Филейное платье «Оранжевые лилии»

knitted dress

Fillet crochet is a very delicate and long-lasting work. However, products made using this technique are incredibly beautiful and elegant. Flowers look gorgeous in different colors. 

Crochet dress «Оранжевые лилии»  knitted from cotton and viscose with lurex. Lace dress in the fillet technique without a single seam - raglan in a circle from top to bottom.

Loin dress  «Оранжевые лилии» connected by Мастер — классу на платье «Незабудки».

Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте

The dress is knitted in three threads:

Вискоза с люрексом – art.ASTRO 1250М/100грм — одна нить

Хлопок Monticolor 1000м/ 100г — две нити

Средняя толщина пряжи — 360м/100г

Clover hooks 1.5mm  

Вес готового изделия — 500г

Knitting density -12 cells x 12 cells = 10cm


We knit a sample according to the pattern, knitting a patent stitch instead of double crochets

fillet knitting

Fragment of knitted fabric

fillet knitting
knitted dress

Knitting pattern

crochet pattern

Fragment of knitted fabric

fillet knitting

Fragment of knitted fabric

fillet knitting
knitted dress

Knitting pattern

crochet pattern
knitted dress

Fragment of knitted fabric

fillet knitting

Fragment of knitted fabric

knitted dress

Knitting pattern (part 1)

crochet pattern

Knitting pattern (part 2)

crochet pattern

Fragment of knitted fabric

fillet knitting
knitted dress

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