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Gorgeous dress in fillet technique

вязаное платье крючком

The combination of a classic fillet rose pattern and a wide fashionable belt makes this dress original and avant-garde. White maxi dress.

Model of Elena Pavlova's dress.

Size 42


You will need: 800g of 100 cotton yarn (100g/550m); hook N 1.5.

The model is crocheted using the fillet knitting technique.

 Tie a sample of fillet mesh, steam, and dry.

 Calculate based on your measurements.

 In the upward direction, knit in front of the fillet mesh, knitting a pattern in the center according to pattern No. 2.

 Knit a semicircular neckline.

 Knit the back similarly to the front, but with a less deep neckline.

 Sew shoulder and side seams.

Scheme No. 2

схема филейного вязания

According to pattern No. 1 (one wedge report), knit the skirt in the downward direction.

 Tie the bottom of the skirt, neckline and edges of the sleeves with a border according to pattern No. 3.

схема вязания крючком

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Scheme No. 1

схема филейного вязания
схема филейного вязания
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In diagram No. 1 of the skirt wedge, the second composition of roses is missing. A large photograph will help you knit a rose from the picture if you need a longer skirt.

Arrangement of roses for a skirt wedge

филейное вязание

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