Femininity, lightness and romance are the key to your beautiful appearance and good mood.
Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте www.liliavignan.com

Stylish and original in composition, the suit is made of Turkish yarn
- Sarmasik 200m/50g (cotton 60% acrylic 20% viscose 20%)
- Тulip – 100% microfiber – 250m/50g
- And some red fancy yarn.
Clover hooks 1.0-1.75mm
The following abbreviations are used to describe the work:
VP - air loop
ВПП — воздушная петля подъёма
СС – connecting post
RLS - single crochet
ПСТН — полустолбик с накидом
Dc - double crochet
PSSN - patent column or one and a half column.
СС2Н - double crochet stitch
The model is made using the Irish lace technique.

The upper part of the skirt is assembled from dense squares, and the lower part from filigree openwork elements.
Вес в готовом виде с подкладкой и резинкой в поясе — 628г.

Skirt pattern

To begin, knit a sample of the square motif according to the pattern and check that it matches the size indicated on the pattern. If you need to increase (decrease) it, increase (decrease) the number of rows, or use a hook of a larger (smaller) diameter. See the pattern picture for the dimensions of the product and the location of the motifs. Knit the squares, connecting them together during the last row with connecting stitches, or sewing them with thread using a needle.

Square diagram

Fill the corners at the top of the skirt with shamrocks.
Shamrock scheme

Then we knit the RLS belt, attaching it along the waist to the skirt and adjusting the fabric according to the pattern.

Next we make lace inserts.
Guided by the patterns, we knit motifs.
To give relief to the middle motifs, we knit from fancy yarn and make a “crawfish step” binding to the finished elements.
Small flower with 5 petals

Small flower with 6 petals

Small flower with 8 petals

Pattern of small circles

Shamrock scheme

Scheme of a medium flower with 6 petals

Description of knitting a medium flower with 6 petals:
0 ряд — 8 ВП
1 ряд — 3ВПП, 19ССН, СС
2 ряд — 1ВПП, вяжем лепесток — * 18ВП, 1ССН в 7-ю ВП, 5ВП, 1ССН в 6-ю ВП, 4ВП, 1СБН в 5-ю ВП, 2СБН в 2ССН предыдущего ряда* — 6 раз повторить* *, 9 СБН в СБН предыдущего ряда, СС.

3 ряд — Обвязка лепестка — * 4СБН в первую арку, 3ПСТН, 4ССН во вторую арку, 14 ССН в третью арку- вершину лепестка, 4ССН, 3ПСТН в четвертую арку, 4СБН в пятую арку, СС в СБН предыдущего ряда*, повторять * *-6 раз, 5ВП,СБН, 7ВП, 1СБН, 5ВП, 1СБН.
Во время провязывания второго и последующих лепестков выполняем присоединение в 1ССН — СС и 3ССН — СБН.

4 ряд — обвязать мотив «рачьим шагом».

Diagram of a medium flower with 10 petals

Scheme of a large flower with 10 petals

Scheme of a large flower with 11 petals

Carefully thread the tails of the threads with a needle and steam the finished motifs.
Arrangement of motifs on the skirt (front and back)

Arrangement of motifs on the skirt (side)

Next, we place them on the pattern, focusing on the photo, or at our own discretion. We connect the motifs with each other and with the main fabric of the skirt with an irregular mesh. We sew the touching motifs together with a needle.


The model is complex in its execution technique. It is impossible to copy it in detail, but using motifs and ideas, try to create your own model.

Вес блузки — 500г.
To begin, make a life-size blouse pattern, adjusting it to your size. Using the diagrams, connect the motifs of large flowers, round elements, trefoils and small flowers.
Arrangement of motifs on the back of the blouse

Arrangement of motifs on the front of the blouse

Place them on the pattern, guided by the photo, or at your discretion. Connect the motifs with an irregular grid and sew adjacent motifs with a needle.

Placement of motifs in the center of the front

Stylish and original in composition, the suit consists of original elements reminiscent of a half-bloomed flower. The suit is not only beautiful, but also convenient and comfortable, thought out to the smallest detail.

Thank you for watching!
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Свободный пуловер с воздушной структурой создает ощущение беззаботности. Он принадлежит к тем универсальным моделям, которые идеальны для комбинирования и настолько удобны, что их не хочется снимать.
Жакет связанный по кругу
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How smart you are! They not only knitted a wonderful, original costume, but also shared a detailed description. You have a generous soul and a big heart. Thanks a lot.
Oh my God! It is a masterpiece! Bravo to the master!
Костюм прекрасный, но и описание дорогого стоит! Вы действительно очень щедры. Описание очень подробное и понятное — кропотливая работа. Большое спасибо и удачи во всех начинаниях.
Excellent costume! The description of the work is generous! Words of gratitude!
You have golden hands, the costume is delightful, solemn, elegant, so much work has been put into it, thank you very much for the idea, description, diagrams.
Костюм — шедевр! Спасибо за подробное описание!